back to article Motorola Devours el cheapo Androidphone market

Verizon Wireless will bring another Android-based Motorola smartphone to the US market next month. A glance at its specs indicates that it should be less expensive than Moto's flagship Droid. That's the good news. The bad news is two-pronged. First, the new phone will run Android 1.6, and not the more-capable Android 2.0 that …


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  1. pedrodude

    Industrial design win!

    Despite the budgetness of this phone, I feel it's the best looker amongst all of the qwerty-keyboarded slidey phones out there. Looks like something a stormtrooper might use to check their facebook... Not a bad thing.

    The name is awful though..

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    No Android 2.1 = ...

    ... FAIL

  3. Dustin 1

    The Kids will love it

    'Nuff said

  4. Anonymous Coward

    How the fuck

    did you manage to spell QWERTY wrong? Or am I missing a joke?

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