back to article Google Chrome dev-only build hopes to be famous 5

Google released Chrome version 5 developer builds for Windows and Mac on Friday. "The devchannel has been updated to 5.0.307.1 for Windows and Mac," said the firm. On the Windows side of the fence, the default downloads directory on Vista and Windows 7 can now be used. Google has added a content settings window to the latest …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    very unstable or not..

    I didn't even know I was running it until I just checked the about box ;-)

  2. Daniel Bennett

    "default downloads directory on Vista and Windows 7 can now be used."


    You can use it anyway. just manually set it.

  3. deadlockvictim

    Brave browser souls

    » but note this is a very unstable version intended only for brave browser souls.

    Do you mean IE 6.0 users?

  4. davethedormouse

    Chrome 5 Mac

    At least the new Chrome 5 dev release for Mac supports extensions.

  5. Alastair 7

    Is it me

    Or do none of those features warrant another version jump? They'll be on Chrome 22 by the time it's all feature-complete and ready.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      I doubt they'll run out of numbers.

  6. DZ-Jay

    Re: Is it me

    @Alastair 7:

    >> They'll be on Chrome 22 by the time it's all feature-complete and ready.

    Prehaps, but it'll still be in Beta.


  7. MarkOne


    Opera 10.50 is far better, can kills even Chrome in benchmarks (Sunspider, Googles own javascript benchmarks and Futuremark Peacekeeper).

    The latest snapshot is pretty darn decent..

    1. Lunatik
      Black Helicopters

      Oh why didst thou forsake me, Opera?

      I was a long term Opera advocate, even paying for some version (3? 4?) back in the day. But they pissed me off when, IMHO, their product took a few backwards steps and committed the cardinal sin of becoming ever so slightly unstable a few versions ago that I doubt I'll ever bother trying it again.

      I like Chrome's ever increasing version numbers though, I reckon their intention must be to get to a googol. This will signify the achievement of the technological singularity...and nothing will ever be the same again.

  8. Ross Ryles


    "Mac fans get improved stability...but note this is a very unstable version"


  9. mhenriday

    Works fine on Linux (Ubuntu) as well -

    the Chrome browser seems to be going from strength to strength. Let us hope Google does as good a job with the Chrome OS !...


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