It would make a good web browser ...
... because it doesn't do flash. Or silverlight. Or other unnecessary web page annoyances.
An extremely rare model of the world’s first commercially produced camera will be auctioned later this year. Daguerreotype_01 The Daguerreotype originally cost 400 French Francs - an average yearly salary in 1839 The Giroux Daguerreotype camera was designed by Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre and produced in 1839. It will be …
Unless there is only one position that gives a usable image (with a large depth of field), that doesn't sound like fixed focus to me, more like manual focus. Clumsy manual focus, certainly!
Older readers and hacks may remember the days before autofocus came along and let any old idiot take a sharp photo!
Given the wording I'm not clear that this is an original given the phrase "An extremely rare model of the world’s first commercially produced camera will be auctioned later this year." This could legaly imply that its a reproduction and as such somebody is onto a winner if they pull this scam of as with that wording it would stand as a valid sale.
Also if you wish to buy flash powder for it, make sure you dont buy it in bulk or you will end up being visited by the `your a terrosist until you prove otherwise police`.
Beer as its friday and I have a feeling.