"Some say he knows the location of Nessy..."
We're obliged to all those readers who rushed to alert us that The Stig of Top Gear fame has been spotted on the shores of Loch Ness: The Stig captured at Loch Ness on Street View Of course, no one knows just who The Stig is, but what's clear is that, in common with Judge Dredd, he never takes his helmet off - a fact proved …
Is it me or is the stig driving a Black Vauxhall?
If you spin round, you can see two cars in the lay-by behind ... one silver which appears to have two people in it, and another Black one (I think it's a vauxhall, I'm not very good with modern cars) which has nobody in it ... evidently this must be the stig's own car!
I would have thought he would be driving something a bit more swish than that :o
I spotted the Stig mooching round Loch Ness! I sold the news to the Sun. Well, I say sold, I'm yet to receive any money.
I was previously an armchair parachuteer. I would put a fan in my face and rapidly zoom into Google Earth stopping just before I hit the deck, or max zoom level reached - whichever was sooner. I'm now an armchair driver. I travel along the countries roads (via streetview) - again with my trusty fan in my face (not sure why as my windscreen is fully functional) looking for the Stig. It's environmentally friendly too with 0 carbon emission and very little sulphur.
Are there any other readers out there with no lives like me?
They could have been a bit more subtle about it. Following the A82, the camera car was clearly photographing travelling away from Stig in both directions and they even left in one shot taken from the layby parked up behind the other black opel and Stig's silver Honda. Guess it must have been a bit chilly and Stig didn't want to be stood around too long, assuming it is the real Stig and not some Google wag.
"A BBC spokeswoman would not confirm whether or not Schumacher was the genuine Stig: "You have to bear in mind that Top Gear is an entertainment programme. We never reveal who or what The Stig is"
What do they mean *what* the Stig is? Are they suggesting some sort of mechanical monster or a golem?
Isn't it odd how in one photo the Google car is in the lay-by and in both directions along the road the car is obviously driving away from the Stig. So since it wasn't a simple drive-by but the Google car actually met up with the Stig, the Google driver either now knows the Stig or he setup a fake.
Although I guess there is nothing to stop the stig driving there in his black vauxhall with his helmet on and never speaking to the Google driver.
..that the stig is able to interact with technology and insert his image anywhere he sees fit, even if he has never visitied the place.
I believe the stig is immune to the survelience state and only appears when and where he wants... for reasons unknown to mortal man.
Alien..well...has anyone seen his face?
...just the the left of Stig and up a bit, above left from the tall bent tree.
... he has the ability to get google to replace an entire section of the A82 on street view
Links are from the ends of the original images facing in towards the stig's location.
This is just like all the other famous British characters, like Mary Poppins and Paddington Bear, that were captured by Google Streetview - they were set up. The reg even reported on it sometime last year, albeit initially to ridicule someone who thought that the Mary Poppins character was a ghost for some stupid reason.
There is no one person who is The Stig. The original (black) Stig was onetime F1 peddler Perry McCarthy. The replacement (white) Stig, for at least the track tests, is reputed to be Ben Collins who has raced GT cars quite a bit and a rather lot of testing of various cars. And for the more specialist thngs that Stiggy does, it's fair to say that someone else was behind the helmet.
The Schuey thing was a nice bit of misdirection, nothing more, northing less.
It's pretty much nailed on that there is more than one Stig. One of the reasons that the BBC came up with the whole concept of the Stig was that it reduced the chances of accusations of corruption. If nobody knew who the Stig was then it would make it hard for anybody to accuse them of bias in the posted times. Some manufacturers may get a little cagey in lending a car to them for track testing if they know that the test driver has a relationship with one of their competitors. And all the best pros have some sort of relationship with a manufacturer. The reason McCarthy got the push was that he told the world he was the Stig, which took aunty Beeb back to square one. Although the Beeb have never said as much it is widely believed in the industry that there is now more than one Stig in order to stop the same sort of thing happening again.
Oh and the Stig in the picture of the BBC offices is probably the prop Stig they use at the studio, and in various other shots.
that was a stunt.
The piece before the removing of the helmet was all about the new ferrari fxx and ferrari would only let schumacher drive it.
one of the stig's identites is well known throughout the intertubes as is the open secret that they have a couple of other stigs for when they need them.