Stilton or Camembert perhaps
You know to go with that whine? Have a look on this side of the pond.
@T&T = 2 years, 900 minutes is ~$60 (~£37) /mo. Another $5 (~£3) for 200 texts or pay per at $0.20 /text, $0.30 /pic.
Verizon = 2 years, 900 minutes is the same $60 /mo. and either add $20 for unlimited texts or pay per $0.20 /text and $0.25/pic.
T-mob = no contract, unlimited minutes and texts, you guessed it, the same $60 but you have to pay full fare for the phone. Want cheaper phones? 2 year, 1000 minutes is $50 /mo and unlimited messaging is another $10 bringing it back to... $60.
Sure lower price plans can be had with 450 - 500 minutes for $40 but it would be nice to get into the $20-30 range and not have to be 65 years old.
Hmm... tough choices. Oh yeah, @T&T lets the minutes you don't use this month become even more minutes you probably won't use next month. All this before Uncle Sam and the local governor get their cut. Now about that cheese icon?