Glad to hear it
Seagate needs to do well to pay for all the replacement drives it has been sending me. I'm on my 2nd replacement barracuda 1TB drive now. It is no longer used to store any critical data and is backed up frequently.
Seagate's second fiscal 2010 quarter was a blast, with revenues up a third and half a billion profit. Seagate took $3.3bn in the last calendar quarter of 2009, that's 33 per cent up on the year-ago quarter's $2.27bn. It made a $533m profit, which compares astoundingly well to the loss of $2.8bn - yes, billion - a year ago. …
Guaranteed van mileage out replacing failed hard disks from the vendor whose warranty used to mean something before they started making their disks out of cheese......
I remember when their disks were bulletproof but I have now given up sending the damn things back under warranty for replacement, I don't want more fast failing disks in my arrays thanks, I just buy new disks from somebody else.
They certainly lost money on me. I bought 20 7200.12 drives last year, 19 of them failed immediately and 3 of the replacements failed too. I've gone a couple of months now without a drive failure, fingers crossed. I REALLY don't trust the one remaining original, but it refuses to die.
Really it's UPS that is the big winner here. They must be making millions from Seagate's mistakes.
Meanwhile the ancient 10K SCSI drives in my servers continue to run year after year without fail.