In memory of Kenny Everett
What a cupid stunt...
The man responsible for the Border Express IT developer job advert outrage handed himself in to police last week, Oz's The Border Mail reports. The ad was posted on Seek on 8 January, and quickly altered to demand some interesting qualifications: The Border Express job ad grabbed from Oz's seek job site With a little help …
I wouldn't quite go so far as hate, but apathy is about right.
I was thinking the exact same thing, what would happen in this country? I just don't think a £300 fine and a letter of apology would happen, people wouldn't laugh it off as a drunken prank, there's the minority (who seem to hold so much sway) who would be incensed and his life would never be the same again, criminal records, sex offenders register (just thinking about it's bad m'kay)
Sounds to me that in Australia his life's going to go back to normal in a matter of weeks.
"Border Express's IT manager, Jeff Quinn, said yesterday the company "had accepted the former employee was sorry for his actions and didn't wish to pursue it further".
Don't wish to pursue it further because they've had a number of suitable candidates apply. Naked interviews start next week.
no, not the planker who did it, the whole Aussie attitude!
"oops, sorry, I was pissed". "OK, never mind, we understand".
Compare that to what would happen here "oops sorry, I was pissed". "Constable, add 'using a computer while under the influence of drink or drugs' to the charges of sexism, using offensive language in a pulic, erm, publication, and assaulting a police officer..." "But I haven't assaul OWWWW!" "...and damaging a police table with his head. Sign this". "What is OWWWWW!" "The sex offenders register"
While there's a lot to dislike about Australians, imagine how much better the world would be if the UK (probably others too) government were this honest and lenient:
“He was a young bloke who left a little while back, prior to Christmas. He wasn't disgruntled or anything, he just mucked up... he got on the turps one night and it went from there. He fully understands what he has done and he's very remorseful.”
It's nice to see this man's boss didn't take any action against him for posting that advert, or the Australian police didn't arrest him, a government minister didn't get involved, or random members of the public didn't try to sue him for being sexist.
All of the above would no doubt take place if such a "mistake" was made in Britain.
A "develooper" or "dev-looper" is a programmer who is round the twist, mad as a sack of snakes, or a couple of drives short of a RAID shelf. Or, to put it another way, someone who thinks Java is superior to Perl.
Big thumbs up to the IT manager. Sounds like a good place to work - not that drunken stupidity is tolerated, but that they're not vindictive and petty minded. Good on ya!
Good to see they saw the funny side.. And take the right attitude (nobody hurt, so it's all good).. This, in the good ol' days used to be called "Mischief.". And mischief has always been seen as a great way to vent stresses and woes in a harmless way..
Yet here in the UK, this would probably have been enough to have the bloke locked away and on every database in sight, with a permanent Social Services tail to make sure he follows the party line.
Come back the days of sanity and mischief!