but Marc...
The assumption of his blog seems to be - that the aim of these projects is to eventually sell and commercialise the projects. However, when I was working on JBoss in the early days - I wasn't doing it so that he could make money. I'll go so far as to say, I didn't really have any interest in Redhat making money from it either... And the core developers who built the essence of what became popular didn't built it so he and Redhat could make money either, which is why they had the big falling out with him.
I agree with the part about Monty selling out for 1b then thinking he still has some say in it. He doesn't - but Marc's rant is based on a fundamentally flawed arguement (in my opinion anyway).
So let's hope no one like Marc gets the great idea of making millions from everyone elses work in PostgreSQL, making it no longer available to the community who actually created it. And yes - I am referring to the brand power, community, etc as much as the product / code itself.
Why a beer icon, 'cause it's all a bit sad really. I'm going to just go drink a beer instead of think about it too much more.