Withnail & I
Reminds me of that classic line from the above film: "Monty, you terrible c*nt!"
Sums it up perfectly: he sold his beloved database, so now he's no right to interfere...
...mine's the one with the lighter fluid in the pocket.
The co-founder of MySQL is hoping to convince Chinese and Russian regulators to halt Oracle’s planned buyout of Sun Microsystems, after grumbling that European watchdogs looked set to clear the takeover. The EC has set a deadline of 27 January to declare its position on the $7bn acquisition, which Michael ‘Monty’ Widenius has …
Monty left Sun because he felt they were leaving glaring bugs in the database and rushing to get it released. Now MySQL is under threat from the Evil Ellison.
So do the sensible thing Monty, create a fork and fix stuff. The world gets to keep it's free "database" and you're a billion better off.
I can't see what the problem is.
Monty really needs to get a life.
What is sold is not yours anymore to decide.
Imagine buying a second hand house and the previous owner keeps asking whether he can live with you.
It's just crazy.
Even if he only gets 1% of the $1bn that's $10mil better of.
Plus he forks it already (MariaDB), I don't know why he keeps pulling strings.
As an indirect employee of Sun - I see on a daily basis how this is affecting the employees of Sun, their customers & the company. There are a lot of very nervous people there. Monty needs to realise that if this deal does not go through then Sun could potentially fold and then where would "his" crusade be ?? Or is he hoping for that to happen so he can pick MySQL out of the ashes,,,,,, What right has he got to interfere !!!!