I guess a question here is how much trouble did McKinnon go to in order to get this information.
By the sounds of things these US servers were not adequately protected when connected to the internet.
If someone like McKinnon got access then how do the US authorities know that no-one else did (and that McKinnon was responsible for the damage).
It seems to me that the people that failed to protect the US systems should be the ones hauled before a jury, after all you don't leave your front door unlocked and expect to prosecute anyone who happens to come across it and then enters your property.
Another side of the coin is the one-sided nature of the extradition treaty, which just seems wrong. I can understand that the Americans want justice, but I wonder if they just want a scapegoat.
I really do wonder if Labour are dragging things out til the election so that they are not blamed by the US for not extraditing McKinnon, or by the British public for allowing it.