Is it April already?
Mines the one with the postal vote in the pocket.
One enterprising eBayer is offering buyers the chance to get their hands on a "spanking new, gleaming Bribo laptop, complete with instruction sheet showing you where to place your X when the time comes". The Bribo laptop, as seen on eBay The listing explains: The government has declared that it will soon issue 270,000 of …
The Labour government runs out of everyone else's money, just like we crawled out of their last disaster in the seventies & regrettably theyve been allowed to govern for far too long.
One term for the socialists is more than enough.
& likewise, I admire their brass necks with their vote buying scheme.
The bit about promising your postal vote will get it removed for illegal vote-trading*.
They won't have to take it down for speaking the Great Truth That Must Go Unsaid.
*Let's just hope for the sake of the prankster that Inspector Knacker sees the funny side or he could be getting his collar felt real soon now.
"You have to admire Labour's neck ... Claiming they have the policies to drag the country out of the shithole they have spent the last 13 years digging it into." .... Eponymous Cowherd Posted Friday 15th January 2010 12:36 GMT
Eponymous Cowherd,
If you would rather bury them in "the shithole they have spent the last 13 years digging it into" with the simple use of IT you can always exercise the options here ..... http://tinyurl.com/Chilcot ... and it is an interesting ZerodDay BetaTest of Public Intelligence vs Apathy Levels and the General Awareness of ITs Latent Overwhelming Powers as a Virtual Governance Tool which they could eventually Control Remotely, as their Communications Skills improve and Total Information Awareness Supplies increase.
It may be that many are Totally Unaware of what IT can do Magically with Media, with just the simplest of Clear Unambiguous Directions and/or Instructions in Multiple Choices of Free Will Expression, and that would leave them Severely and Criminally Disadvantaged and Easily Abused and Used as Slaves and Expendable Tools by Others more au fait with ManIQ Manipulation.
You can use PCs at any local library for browsing the internet, email, printing documents, writing CVs, jobsearch websites etc.
So why are we sending out loads of free laptops? If the target families had a disabled family member so they cant' get to a local library I could understand, otherwise it's a waste of my tax contributions.
aye, cos low income families are barred from public libraries, schools etc
give your head dobber a wobble eh?
i have been poor, but i pulled myself up by my bootstraps and learnt shit
then i got a low paid job and some life experience, then moved onto a better paid job, more experience etc
can you follow that, can the L.I.Fs?
get your arse off your sofa and get thee'sen educated
"Can't wait for plod to cuff this idiot."
That's right: suppressing someone's opinion will teach those who stray from the accepted social norms of New Labour's template for all Britards. Next stop for the "public morality police" is Private Eye, is it?
(I'm all for increased connectivity for everyone, but the taxpayer shouldn't be filling the coffers of Microsoft and various chums of the government/civil service via some speculative scheme whose benefits could quite readily be purchased otherwise and for less. But I guess there might not be so much "pork" in it for your employer.)
I have a work dodging, dole scaving chav acquaintance who has already received his Bribo. Apparently fell off the back of the lorry in a stop and search.
My works laptop broke so I borrowed his Bribo for work for a couple of days. 2 weeks later I received a photograph of myself, presumably taken by its webcam along with a £60 fine+3 points for typing at 11 words per min. There is a pitiful limit of 10 it seems. I also received another £60 fine under Section 59 for typing too loudly, I presume it has a microphone too then. Not a bad spec hey. I was thinking of listing it on ebay for my acquaintance as he needed some cash so I took a photo, put my camera next to the laptop to transfer the images but the cd tray ejected at such a rate that the camera was flung across the room, through the window and some how landed in the front seat of a passing police car never to be seen again.
On top of that, my electricity bill has risen from £0.42p to £1.15 per kwh (some “oh the government is amazing because its hugely infated the price in the name of saving the environment” leaflet was included with the bill) and when I plugged my external mouse in, it insisted that I needed to purchase two mouse houses at a cost of several hundred thousands of pounds, pay for the mouse to be cleaned costing another thousand pounds, subscribe the tv channel "naughty blond bombshell mice 12" and then lube up my bottom, sit on the dvd drive and press the eject button repeatedly. Oh how I enjoy being shafted by the government.
But for some reason, my work dodging, dole scaving chav acquaintance had no problems at all with it and after a few adjustments, he could order weed, staffordshire terriers and tesco value lager off the net and the dvd drive dispensed steady stream of ten pound notes every Thursday.
Labour are bribing people to vote for them, the torys are unelectable since the recent announcment by the shadow science guy that he wont take advisors seriously and sack them if he doesn't like the look of them, and the lib dems are a joke party who have left a trail of destruction in every city they've had power in
It doesn't matter who wins the election, we'll all still loose
Not referring to the laptops but to these NuLiebor arseholes.
Funny priorities they have, there seems to be plenty of money for this crap, not to mention the helpline for useless loosers to whine at the debt they got themselves into by overspending on their credit cards at christmas.
Not enough money however, to give some to the kids with terminal diseases to stop their hospitals closing.
Everyone who has children and is in a single parent family or a low income family need something like this.
-Firstly in the jobs at the bottom of the ladder do not pay you if you take a morning or day off
-Parent evenings are becoming a rarer and if you have more than one child it is very dificult
-Schools will soon be required to have all information accessible to parents in near real time to help tackle trunacy and performance
If you have ever worked in a job that has shift work and not many benefits (the majority of the country) then being able to check your childs progress online is a blessing. I worked in a school where the trails were run and believe me its needed. Owning a PC is still a border line luxury and when all coursework and performance related marking is done electronically it makes perfect sense so stop complaining because the have-nots have. Its not like we're giving them Core i7 systems
I absolutely agree with this post because it should shut up all those raving Daily Mail loonies who are flooding this comment section with their Right-wing drivel.
Time and again I have seen how truly disadvantaged all poor people are where education is concerned, and it has saddened me that some parents still have to walk their children to school instead of being able to use a four wheel drive like everyone else I know.
So I hope that Mr Brown will not stop at Bribo laptops but will also issue Bribo Land Rover Freelanders to everyone. It 's not like we're giving them Vogue SEs.