The Current Problem being Solved is ...... War is so Yesterday Man
"Perhaps DARPA could open the field to applicants from other countries e.g. Russia, Iraq, Iran, China, etc." ... Eddie Edwards Posted Wednesday 13th January 2010 12:36 GMT
Err, I think you will find that they are already there, Eddie Edwards, although not in any acknowledged official capacity, which is what is driving the US crazy, for their Secrets and Future Plans are being Systematically and Methodically Stripped away, leaving them Isolated and Naked and Vulnerable to Catastrophic Virtual Assault on their Vital Support Systems, and they have no Idea how it is being done, and being done right down to the Core Source Power levels, or Much More Importantly for an Immediate Fix, how to Deal with it Quickly and Stealthily with IT whilst still Retaining Systems Command and Control Integrity. However, for A.N.Other and/or Others would that be theior Business and No Problem.
And whilst it is true that Top Secret programs will normally automatically exclude Non US Citizens, there are automatic Provisions for Anyone to become One too, for as long as their Skills are Needed, if their Skills are Needed ...... and ESPecially so for any Hot DARPA/IARPA No Mission Impossible Mission Skills/Mindsets ...... who I notice have a shiny new website/phishing station ....
It is somewhat ironic and creative of America to think of itself as a United Nation and Country whenever a collection of semi autonomous independent states with an odd mad mix of enterprising foreigners and disadvantaged immigrants, legal aliens and right dodgy characters. It's Globalised Political Character is more as a Steam Rollering Military Industrial Complex delivering Death and Destruction for the Blunder that is Covert Plunder and Invasive Suppressive Occupation ....... Post Modernist Rape and Pillage and although a Bold and Profitable and Stealthy Steganograhic Business Model, an Old and Discredited and Debilitating One, and No Longer One Offering a Modus Operandi/Vivendi which is thought to be Secure and Sustainable and Acceptable in an Age of Transparent Shared Communications and Advanced Intelligence with Virtual Defences. ....... CyberIntelAIgents and Great Global Gaming Fabrications and Factories.
Hence the somewhat Chaotic Present Reorganisations for Future Revised Programming Projects. We Heartily Apologize for any Necessary Inconvenience and Beta Services will be Resumed as Soon as is Possible and ESPecial Intelligence Servers Kicks in with ITs Novel AIdDrives and Prime Intellectual Property for Operating Progressive Systems.