Can this really be happening in the UK?
This is rapidly turning into one of the most shocking and outrageous criminal corruption scandals in modern history.
The Home Office OSCT colludes with a bunch of Russian/Greek/Turkish/American spyware crooks, and British Telecom directors, to engage in mass surveillance/industrial espionage.
Computer misuse, illegal interception, fraud, copyright infringement is reported, but the police refuse to investigate any and all complaints.
200,000 people have their personal communications processed in secret, but the ICO refuse to act.
The company fails to supply accounts or details of directors to Companies House for three years, but yet hasn't been struck off. The directors are not disqualified.
The CPS have spent approximately 450 days 'reviewing' consent for a prosecution, against an average of just 9 days, and still no one has been prosecuted.
There's been no statement to Parliament by the Home Secretary, or Prime Minister.
Now the UK faces prosecution in the European Court of Justice.
And most of the British electorate have no idea, because the daily papers won't report it.