interesting that they were still an equal opportunities employer....
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One of Oz's "leading privately owned Transport companies" last Friday posted an ad on the country's "#1 job site" looking for an IT operative. However, some ne'er-do-well quickly jumped in and added a pretty specific range of talents: The Border Express job ad grabbed from Oz's seek job site Border Express told El Reg: "The …
I'd love to have an advert for a developer that required slim, well-scrubbed, sober, good looking bloke, well-hung and well buff, with good social skills, if only for the eye-candy, but I would be faced with probably one Polish candidate. If that.
But of course every male developer I've known secretly thinks any girl is lucky to get him. Well, every male.
Our HR were clearing out some old "review" forms. One, from over 25 years ago, had such questions as;
Please describe the reviewee's build;
skinny, medium, large, fat, very fat
Please describe the reviewee's overall attitude;
Pleasant, acceptable, unpleasant
It went on like that. HR were horrified to see such questions and prescribed answers. I thought they were surprisingly open, honest and useful - which explains HR's objections.
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This post has been deleted by its author
Border Express Pty Ltd wishes to advise that the job advertisement discussed here was hacked and modified, after it was originally posted to the seek website. This is the result of a security breach external to Border Express Pty Ltd.
This matter is currently being investigated by Seek and Australian police and in NO way is Border Express Pty Ltd responsible for posting the aforementioned article in that context.
Border Express Pty Ltd has requested that theregister.co.uk update the article to reflect this information.
The article has now been returned to its original correct form which is available here:
We would also mention that job articles posted to seek must be manually edited at the time of posting and therefore it is highly unlikely that this was "overlooked" by an internal staff member.
Thank you.
What kind of work ethic are they after? I'd have just cut that last bit right out.
This reminds me of an article Toll (another Oz transport company) got in one of the papers a while back. It seems they are the soft hearted saviours of the community because they put former outcasts of society into good solid jobs. One of their receptionists was a former prostitute...
Paris because... just because.
A FORMER employee has confessed to hacking into an online advertisement for a Border Express job and changing it to make a “slim waist” and “DD cup breasts” the criteria.
The man, who did not wish to be named, handed himself in to police following an article in The Border Mail last Thursday.
The self-confessed hacker said he was a former member of the human resources department and “all too aware” of the importance the company places on equal opportunity.
“He wasn’t disgruntled or anything, he just mucked up... he got on the turps one night and it went from there.