Pipex - a response
Here's a response I got from Pipex customer services. I'm tied to Pipex for a while as I retained their services after a house move, but I've replied and asked whether I can leave without penalty as they're more than doubling the price of a broadband-only service.
Dear Mr. Osborne,
Thank you for your e-mail.
We can confirm that Tiscali customers will be transferred to TalkTalk. The migration of from Tiscali to Talktalk will not affect Pipex cutomers.
However, as we are aligning the products across TalkTalk and Pipex, a price change is necessary. In the longer term, we hope this will provide you with a better service and value products.
Currently, we are offering our broadband customers to take advantage of our telephone and broadband package. The broadband and Hometime call package cost £14.99 a month. The call service in this package entitles you to free calls to 01, 02 and 03 numbers during evening and weekends. If you will not avail this package and retain your current broadband service, you will be billed £19.99 starting 01 February 2009.
Furthermore, there are other packages that may be more suitable for you. We can give you a free phone number to call where you can discuss this further as we really value you as a customer. Please contact our Prolog Upgrade Team on 0800 542 6538 where there are specialist agents who will to deal with your enquiry. Opening hours are 9am to 6pm (GMT), Monday to Friday.
If you have any further queries, please reply to this e-mail or call our Customer Care Team on the number provided below.
Kind regards,
Jyv Regis
Pipex Customer Relations