bring back eOpen
never thought I'd every write that
eOpen was shockingly bad and random - days you needed it you could 99% bank on it being down, if you hit the main pages you knew the MSDN stuff wouldn't load properly
when they said they were merging eOpen and VLSC i feared the worse - not surprisingly the site wasnt in very good shape at launch, but a few days later it was up and working for me. Since it was taken off-line I've been unable to login, emails sent back saying yes it was broken but we have fixed it - erm no you haven't
as for ringing, I have better ways of wasting hours of time
MS need to understand that they MUST make licensing as simple, quick and pain free as possible. Also as stated in the article, worrying that one of their most important sites has been a disaster for the last 4-5 years