It breaks my heart. Poor monopoly!
Microsoft has asked US judges to take a second look at their ruling that confirmed the software giant would be fined $240m for patent infringements in Word. The company has filed a petition with the US Court of Appeals for both a rehearing by both a panel and the full set of judges presiding over the case. The US appeals …
"significant conflicts with established precedents" means "instead of suing for patents, we got sued and we're the ones losing money"
They deserve everything they get. Especially seeing they are trying to appeal personally to the judges to overturn an "inconvenient" ruling (by pretending it's to the judges' interests to listen to them).
There is a clear precedent for Microsoft winning their court cases either by superior spend or appellant atrophy. Not upheld in this case.
Secondly there is a precedent for Microsoft to ignore court ruling until a change of government mitigates the losses. Not upheld in this case.
In most cases MS is allowed to state 'although the email looks damning what we actually meant was...' and the court is compelled to to believe them not matter how ludicrous it sounds. Not upheld in this case.
These judges clearly have not read the same law books as MS. What is the world coming to?
Large organisations form pacts against mutually assured destruction through cross-licensing. Then along comes a small organisation, no submarines or trolls involved, and wins a case and won't be bought.
Suddenly large organisations get all righteous about software patents (while trying to slip them into Europe via the community patent)
Excuse me, there's a tear in my eye.
I'm just hoping Bilski delivers the right result and throws it all out.
If they had simply implement the existing ISO standard for documents, they would not be in this mess. Serves MS right for riding rough-shod over the ISO process and forcing a competing standard through where none was required.
The true ISO standard of complex documents etc, is the "OpenDocumentFormat" as implemented by OpenOffice and others.
Also, OpenOffice does not infringe on this patent.
Office 07 is so stupidly configured as a buggerised update for increasing the product exclusivity and lock in; of the old cash cow - that not only do I refuse to use even a cracked and pirated version of it - a lot of other people are also saying "It's shit" and are sticking with 03.
And oddly enough, while the freeware pundits are saying that 98% of people only tend to use like 5% of all the functions in MS Office, this point is actually true.
MS's deceit, thievery and corruption in all of their decades long swindle of stealing everyone else's ideas and rebadging the crap reproductions is coming home to roost.....
Vista was a scam that had also been performed by also putting XP on under spec'ed machines.
Everything about this company and it's monopolistic product lines is crap.
Nearly everything they ever "innovated" was copied or stolen.
The buying out and rigging of the ISO certification process and committees was a total scam.
Everything to do with this dirtbag company is just that - dirt.
I only have an old XP system for the last few legacy apps - and when that goes... through the attrition of time and better linux apps - then MS and it's corporate sleazeware will never ever get another look in what so ever.