Just to follow all the sheeple and bash Greenpeace again!
If it wasn't for the extreme actions of groups like Greenpeace, we all still be doing things like people would still be dumping crap in landfills, drinking tap water with shit in it, kids would be breathing in that healthy asbestos dust from roofing.
You need extreme groups likes Greenpeace and PETA to get people to sit up and discuss. If everyone went around saying, "Oh like, ahem, could you like stop that, it's not helping.", people would simply ignore them. When someone starts shouting and ranting about something nasty, you at least pay some attention, if only to wait and tell them to f**k-off! The key point is, you listened and paid a attention, so you must have been interested at some level, to begin to start arguing.
I don't agree with a lot of stupid things these groups do, but I do support their right to shout and scream to anyone listening, 'cos that makes us at least talk about their points!
If you really hate them so much, then please don't comment on them, simply ignore them and without attention, they will disappear.
Oh and to the poster using the word "luddite" in a negative sense, please go and look up the real truth about the original luddite movement, you will actually find out they were far more advanced and progressive than any other movement of their time.