back to article Taoist truck driver guilty of unlawful sex

The Hong Kong truck driver who persuaded a 19-year-old model he was a Taoist Mao Shan master, with the power to grant her career success in return for sex, has been found guilty of nine counts of "unlawful sexual intercourse under false pretences". Between April and December 2007, Au Yeung Kwok-fu, 55, indulged in nine …


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  1. yakitoo
    Paris Hilton

    pending a psychological report

    Is that for Him or Her?

  2. Anonymous Coward

    I'm a [Pilot | Astronaught | Millionaire | etc ]

    Does this ruling mean that us blokes actually have to tell the truth to fairer sex in order to bed them?

  3. peyton?

    Under false pretenses??

    In other news, 99.9% of he male population was criminalized today...

    1. Kenno

      Well such things can be overturned.

      Sillier law in South Korea was recently appealed and overturned... in that up until September 2009 it was illegal for a man to get sex by promising marriage.

  4. John Tserkezis

    Why no fine for her?

    I'm sure there could be some type of fine for those who are a little bit challenged in the area of grey matter.

    And most certainly some kind of fine for someone of her calibre of stupid.

    And let the guy off. I mean, he was just trying to get his end in. Nothing wrong with that per se.

  5. ShaggyDoggy

    I'm not falling for it

    Au Yeung Kwok-fu

    that's got to be an anagram

    1. Anonymous John

      Anagram of -

      New Fukuoka guy

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up


    I didn't know they did Blonde that well in China. You live and learn.

    Anyone got her address? I can guarantee fame and fortune, me being a certified Discordian Pope and all...

  7. benj5386
    Paris Hilton

    Is the Vatican listening?

    "and noted that it was not normal practice for religions to require sex in return for blessings. He added: "If one claims so, it is heresy or a cult, using crooked theories to satisfy one's lust.""

    Paris as she has now met three dozen lorry drivers with supernatural powers since this story broke.

  8. The Vociferous Time Waster

    over here

    Over here he would probably claim his rights to freedom of religion were violated and end up suing the state for millions. She'd sell her story to the Sun along with topless shots.

  9. Anonymous Coward

    Obviously he picked the wrong religion/Cult.

    Raelianism was well up on boning for purity at one point, Mormonism had it's moments, and I'm sure the church of $cientology will be realigning it's faith/thetan/finance model as I type.

    I'm a little bit freaked out that this woman sounds like she'd be on the Vulnerable Adult register in this wountry, and other readers are cheering the guy on. On the other hand a jurisdiction that will mete out justice against a c*nt AND also calls a cretin a cretin, this could be the dawn of a new enlightened era!

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Not so...

    "stupid, ignorant and simple-minded in having sex with a man 20 years her senior on the blind faith it would bring her fame and wealth"

    Well it's worked for Ulrika Johnson and many others...

    Paris, because she's more deserving of the judge's labels.

  11. Anonymous Coward

    The Taoist Mao Shan "master" was half right

    He brought her fame. (or Infamy.) So at the very least, he should get a reduced sentence.

  12. This post has been deleted by its author

  13. Disco-Legend-Zeke

    Happens every day... Hollywood.

  14. Atilla the Hun (No relation)

    *20* years her senior?

    Last time I looked 19+20 didn't get all that close to 55.

    Sensible-sounding beak let down by dodgy maths.

  15. Captain Save-a-ho

    Why isn't the woman charged?

    It's pretty clear she was guilty of for money (albeit promised future money). Not sure how she's avoiding anything on this, given the disdain that China and most countries have for the second oldest profession (the first profession can't be would the guy pay for it?).

    Mines the one with "Have sex, will provide fame/fortune" on the back...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      >the first profession can't be would the guy pay for it?

      By promising future money :P

    2. Allan George Dyer


      isn't a crime in Hong Kong, though various closely-related activities, such as "soliciting for an immoral purpose", "living on immoral earnings" or running a brothel are.

      Re. oldest profession... but the payment could be any goods, such as food, otherwise prostitution would also be younger than mining, minting, banking and anything else required for money.

  16. Benton Harbour

    Flint Knapping

    That’s the oldest profession. Well, according to the Guinness Book of Records*

    *this was back before the internet was invented, when the book was useful, circa 1980.

    1. TeeCee Gold badge

      Re: Flint Knapping

      Yes, but the only reason for flint knapping existing at all is: "If you can come up with an easier way of getting the hides off these carcasses, I'll give you a blow job".....

  17. Bounty

    fu-Kwok Au Yeung

    fu-Kwok Au Yeung who don't believe in my spiritual powers!

  18. Gavin Bloeman

    She got the fame bit

    I've seen this article in a few places - job done

  19. Nameless Faceless Computer User
    Thumb Up


    Best Pickup Line Ever!

  20. MichaelBirks

    A new euphimism

    "So I says to her 'Get your coat, you've pulled', and we end up at her's."

    "Ah, Master, your Kwok-fu was strong."

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