Act of God
Hollyoaks stopped from filming.
He is merciful indeed.
Commuters desperate to avoid spending the night in a railway station or being eaten by their snow-bound fellow commuters were left none the wiser if they went to the National Rail website this afternoon. The site, operated by the Association of Train Operating Companies, is a clearing house for train service information in the … was also down - I had to look outside to see if the buses were running. Its back now telling me that they definitely aren't.
Also employer sent an email sending people home and saying to check email for further info - which promptly went down too
Ah! Disaster planning at its finest :)
Earlier on, whoever is behind the keyboard at the @nationalrailenq twitter feed was answering questions directed there by individual punters. Damn good show.
At this time (16:07) it appears to be just the standard list of outages that you would have seen on the web site if it was up.
It's not just the national rail site that's disappeared under the avalanche - Etraffic England ( is also snowed under:
To meet the current high demand, we have switched to a lighter version of the site. The main difference is that the map has been disabled. For live traffic information visit the Traffic Flows and Disruptions Search sections.
Please accept our apologies for the disruption to service and be assured that we will re-instate the full service at the earliest opportunity.
Sorry, My3 is not available at the moment.
We're working on this now and expect My3 to be back up and running by midnight.
Got a 3 mobile? You can still use My3, just press Planet 3, then My3.
Want to Top-up or check your balance on your Pay As You Go mobile? Call 444.
Thanks for your patience.
Bang on! Top quality reporting!
See, this is where the Reg gets it right and the BBC, Gaudrian (sic) etc get it so wrong. They dress up the news to make it sound all "polite" and "acceptable" but ignore the harsh realities, unlike the Register which tells it like it is!
I live in the stockbroker belt, breaks my heart to see all the bankers literally freezing their red braces off at my local station. We should set up some sort of fund for them!
according to the tories we only have 8 days gas supplies left in stock.
right, only supplies I need to get are a new bbq, some charchol , and some skewers, and in 9 days when the food and heat run out, its time to eat the neighbours.
oh must get some chanti and some fava beans too ffffssssssffsfsfsffsfsfs
Try 'Accessible UK Train Timetables' at instead. No problems apparent there and it even lets you view the current positions of the trains nearing stations in realtime on google maps.
I don't bother with the official train companies' websites at all anymore. They're all either horribly slow at the best of times or worse laden with adverts and other bloat to make them near unnavigable.
When the new National Rail Enquiries website appeared, I thought it was a bit slow to load, so checked and found that the home page -- complete with its rich background images and Flash advertising -- weighs in at around 500 KB. I was astonished. I notice that the current "lighter version" is still more than 200 KB.
I should add though that I'm yet to completely trust Chrome's "Web Inspector", from which I took these readings. It sometimes reports some curious file sizes, like 0 or -1 bytes.
Her indoors is in West Berks (the authority that has famously has just had to scrounge grit from nearby authorities who've had just as much cold weather and just as much snow but unlike WBC actually had enough grit for the season).
Till recently there was no mains gas where she is, so cooking was electric and/or propane.
It's been so cold (just about freezing, or lower) since before Christmas that the propane hasn't been evaporating quickly enough to run one ring, never mind two. You can kick it into life for a while by pouring some hot water over the gas cylinder, IF the leccy's still on to heat the water :)
Too many overhead mains cables and overhead transformers here. 20,000 homes lost power in the area on Wednesday. At the end of the road is a tree branch that will soon break under the weight of snow and ice, which will bring down a phone cable and kill service to a couple of streets or more. And there are plenty more like it.
Flame, 'cos the multifuel woodstove is the most reliable local heat source at the moment.