back to article Yorkshire lass eBays cheating boyf's Xmas prezzies

A West Yorkshire lass who discovered on 22 December that her boyfriend had cheated on her has dumped his unopened Xmas gifts on eBay as she will "definatly not be getting back together" with her former squeeze. Leanne Joseph, 24, of Huddersfield, was apparently "gobsmacked" when a workmate told told her she'd been sleeping …


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  1. Niall 1

    Good scam

    she has neglected to mention that the ex is a skinflint who never spent more than a fiver on anything. I wonder was there any other gobs smacked.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Sounds very suspicious, given that there is another similar auction elsewhere:

    Also from Huddersfield, also in the garish pink extra large all-capitals font.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    He dumped her because she couldn't figure out how to turn the caps lock key off.

    That would drive me insane.

  4. Anonymous Coward

    Saucy Little Thong

    Size 16...

    1. bazza101

      @AC 16:40

      And your point?

      1. ElFatbob

        Re: Point

        'Size 16' not really fitting with a description of 'little', perhaps?

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Only eight presents?

    The tightwad.

    1. Niall 1

      Give him a break

      He had to buy presents for all the special women in his life.

  6. raving angry loony

    malicious gossip

    Hmm. I wonder if said coworker was simply making a play? Did she actually confront the two-timing boyfriend, or did she just dump him?

  7. Pete 8

    Hmmm, I had

    a girl who never capitalised at all, imagine it!

    A Couple Of Years Ago This Chick Was Chasing Me That

    Used To Capitalise Worse Than aManFromMars... (mY fKN hERO)

    ( . )( . ) Some 81680085 for your holiday enjoyment.

  8. Steve Evans


    So they split up on the 22nd, so how comes she has the presents he bought for her?

    Sounds a bit odd to me too...

    Plus technically if he bought them, and never gave them to her, then they are not hers to sell... Aka theft.

  9. Joe Zeff
    Paris Hilton

    The best thing about this

    To me, the best thing about this is the promise to donate the proceeds of the auction to charity. Clearly she's not trying to profit from the breakup. Paris, because she understands the right way to make this kind of gesture.

  10. Wortel


    that people still can´t stop cheating on each other. hope the lass has a strong heart, certainly appears to have spirit. kind of her to turn her loss into something positive for another.

  11. Daniel Wilkie


    But I see almost this exact auction several times around Christmas after all....

    Ergo it's almost certainly a scam!

  12. The Dark Lord


    Why is it that so many people don't know how to spell "definitely"?

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton


    does she know what is in two of the gifts??

    Has she been peeking??

    I used to know some girls from the Huddersfield area, they have very strange names up there; the three I knew were called Cowpat, Piglet and Countrymouse..

    Paris, cos that is how I imagine Piglet looks these days :-)

  14. Anonymous John

    pinkpalace30-2007 ( 5141)

    5141? That's a lot of ex-boyfriends.

  15. Emperor Zarg
    Paris Hilton


    I don't believe that the human species is intended to be monogamous - or at least the male isn't at any rate.

    Consider this analogy...

    A man walks into a sweet shop.

    He looks around, admiring all the lovely different sweets.

    He picks up just one. To be fair, it is a nice one - the purple one from Quality Street.

    And then he goes and says, "you know what? I only _ever_ want to eat the purple ones from Quality Street for the rest of my life. I won't ever let another sweet past my lips. Not even the purple one from a box of Roses - even though it's very similar and could easily be mistaken for the one from Quality Street. I'll be very careful when I'm drunk."

    Now, come on. Does this sound like the sort of thing any right-thinking bloke would say?

    Female readers may ignore the following question. Which do you prefer: sweets or sex?

    The vast majority of people do not restrict themselves to one type of sweet, so why do it for something as important as sex?

    Paris... because she doesn't believe in the one-sweet-for-life deal either.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Paris Hilton

      Re: "Which do you prefer: sweets or sex?"

      I think your question posed to women would actually prove your point further.

      Given that the female answer is invariably "Sweets", blokes have a damn good reason to go looking for the other wherever they can get it.

      Paris: Coz I'd cheat on her too if she put her sweets before my plums. :0)

    2. Wortel

      @Emperor Zarg @ Wortel

      -snip- I don't believe that the human species is intended to be monogamous - or at least the male isn't at any rate. -snip-

      Perhaps not - there is no denying certain animal instincts are still present in modern man.

      But as the evolved species man should be wiser. Naive? perhaps.

    3. This post has been deleted by its author

  16. Yorkshirepudding

    nowt for ought

    i hope she 'gobsmacked' the little hartlett workmate too good lass

    never cross a yorkshirewoman, just dont even were afraid of them

  17. DI_Wyman
    Paris Hilton

    New BBC series...

    ...going for thong?

    Paris? Because she would never be seen in less!

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