back to article iPhone gets a decent keyboard

Developers have managed to hack together a Human Interface driver for the iPhone, allowing any Bluetooth keyboard to be used on jailbroken iPhones. The software doesn't work in all applications, but does connect most applications to the kind of travel keyboard which is making laptops redundant, even if it can't do copy and …


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  1. Alex 32
    Thumb Down


    ..nah.. not for me..

    Gimme the gimmicky laser keyboard that I had a go at all those years ago. Just wish the production ones were as good (or are they? Havent' tried one since their public launch..)

    1. Fred Flintstone Gold badge
      Thumb Up

      Thank you, thank you, thank you.

      "give me the laser keyboard"

      Exactly my thoughts. I hope Jobs will either take that concept and use it himself (barf, it'll be an iLaser, I guess) or enable a decent stack in the iPhone so this sort of stuff can just be done. It's ridiculous to have a phone which is both forward in functionality as well as backwards.

      What's more, they could use this as a testbed for doing the same in the iTablet or whatever it's called, which I expect to cause a bit of havoc in the me-too market of eBook readers. I'm not an Apple fan (still have PCs) and I dislike Jobs-the-dictator as much as I like Ballmer-the-Gates-proxy-dictator, but for my purposes they have simply hit the mark better than the competition - which is why they get my hard earned cash..

    2. This post has been deleted by its author

  2. Stewart Knight
    Thumb Down

    Why do you need a keyboard in the first place

    Touch typists... on the iphone? Surely it misses the point of an iphone as a basic internet tool. Your not going to be producing large word documents on a phone!

    1. Martin Huizing

      indeed, you are not...

      ...unless I have a nice small portable keyboard that connects easily to my iPhone. Then I can, indeed: START WRITING SOMETHING!

      In this regard the iPhone is a problem looking for a solution.

  3. Craig 12

    iphone bluetooth

    Apple's blatant disregard for bluetooth standards is typical of them. After a shaky start, bluetooth was getting to the point where it just worked, even across multiple types of device. Why not just support proper bluetooth stuff (file exchange, HIDs etc) like EVERY OTHER PHONE.

  4. David Webb
    Dead Vulture


    Yesterday there were what, 3 iPhone and 1 Apple stories on the first page, and today another iPhone story, is the register a convert to the jobsian way or something and trying to force apple upon us so we defect from PC's and crackberries? Does any other phone or company get the coverage on this website that apple and the iphone is getting?

    1. BeefStirFry

      Avatar angle...

      You sound like one of those people who won't go and see Avatar because everyone else has told you how good it is, but they can't possibly know what they are talking about cos you know everything, and it doesn't look that good in the preview...

      iPhone gets coverage because its freakin' amazing compared to any other phone, Apple get the coverage because their software is freakin' amazing compared to Windows PC software...

      Usually I'd say don't believe the hype, but with Avatar, iPhone and Apple, believe it...

      (Note to Editor: We need an Avatar blue alien icon...)

      1. krmoss

        The polyverse

        I liked it because it represents new myths and constructs while celebrating old ones. The portal is real for every astral head that travels between zero and one. The universe is expanding faster than the speed of light. That is a fact. So it can't be infinite, right? Well, the poly verse does go on forever.

        Our death is but one glimpse into the chorus of this. We have to expand to be a sovereign universe. krmoss

  5. Tony Smith, Editor, Reg Hardware (Written by Reg staff)

    Re: Seriously

    The number of stories are a measure of how popular iPhone stories are. We can't ignore what people want to read about.

    1. Gulfie
      Thumb Up

      ... or bitch about.

      Or comment on. Even if it is just to complain about the quota of Apple stories. Personally my day isn't complete if I've not read some fanboi-targetted vitriol on the El Reg forums ;-)

    2. Lou Gosselin


      I prefer technical articles to the glamor articles which pass for news these days.

      Technical articles are good, satirical entertainment is good, unfortunately I have to put up with the rest. The register used to stand out as a unique news source, but now I read it mostly as a matter of habit.

  6. Richard Cartledge


    It is as it is and is perfectly adequate. Whatever next? HD camcorder and external display?

    1. David Halko

      Re: Why?

      Richard posts, "Whatever next? HD camcorder and external display?"

      The iPhone already has an external display adapter. It plugs into the doc adapter.

      The Bluetooth keyboard with a doc display adapter makes it a portable media center!

      A little silver apple Bluetooth keyboards on an iPhone would be perfect with a Bluetooth mouse.

  7. Paul 37
    Gates Horns

    Doesn't have to windows based

    Nokia n95, Quick Office and a £25 quid iGo keyboard have been doing me nicely for about 18 months now....

  8. Anonymous Coward


    Apple's handicapping of the HID interface is a barrier to art and science. Just think with two iPhones attached to a builder's helmet you could have a wrap-around augmented reality set-up to replace the laptop-backpack in this rig

    Coat: off to the patent office ...

  9. Wonko the Sane


    Coming soon to an Apple Store near you: iDentures. The problem with keyboards is all those damn keys, it is inelegant. Now which part of the human anatomy has lots of knobs that generally are not used for anything except during short intervals when a keyboard wouldn't be used anyhow?

    Yep, teeth. The new iDentures will fit into your mouth and be connected via Bluetooth to the iPhone. Each "tooth" resonates at a unique frequency picked up via a downloadable iApp for what I assure you is a mere pittance. All one need do is tap a tooth with a tongue...doesn't even have to be your own. Those with wisdom teeth gain an extra 4 characters and eligible for the Steve Jobs Effervescent Glow Club. Plus there is the cool retro-look you'll gain by appearing as a 13 year old with braces.

    1. JaitcH

      What if ...

      you had only partial dentures? This means you would be missing a few letters.

  10. The Unexpected Bill

    Whether intentional or not, the humo[u]r was appreciated...

    Thanks for the humor in this article, even if it wasn't intended as such. It absolutely made my day!

    "even if it can't do copy and paste just yet"

    "it'll even underline spelling mistakes in red, which is surely what computers are for"

    (I think my good old Model M will live after one more dishwasher ride...)

  11. sT0rNG b4R3 duRiD
    Jobs Horns

    Like I've said before...

    I'd buy an iphone if it wasn't for the way they have tied it up.

    You lose a customer here, Apple, you hear? Na, you don't give a crap do you...

  12. JaitcH

    The problem with Apple profucts id ...

    that jobs thinks he knows what everyone wants or needs. Unfortunately in this he is mistaken.

    People should be free to connect or install whatever they want into Apple products, after all the ownership has been transferred from Jobs to the purchaser. I have a non-Apple smartphone product and I have added a keyboard and other goodies.

    Another reason id that Apple refuses to honour the terms of its warranty which is serious when you consider that batteries are blowing up and catching fire.

    Korean companies honour their warranties to the letter and even beyond.

  13. Will 12
    Jobs Halo

    Of course they don't care

    They're selling loads of them, they really don't care if a minority of geeks don't buy them. Your average consumer just wants the device to work, they don't care whether it's an open platform or not. They're telly or PVR isn't an open platform, so they don't expect their phone to.

    Geeks just don't get it.

  14. Si 1

    I've grown to quite like the iPhone keyboard

    I sometimes have bad days where everything I type is wrong, but a lot of the time it's very quick to use the iPhone keyboard. In fact I often wonder if once you're proficient with it, it would be faster to use than say the physical keyboard on the Pre, because you only need a feather touch to activate each key on the iPhone. The auto-correction is what makes the iPhone keyboard work so well. It is very good at working out what mangled set of letters you've entered are meant to be. It took me a while to get used to it, as it felt backwards compared to the way Windows Mobile did it, but now that I'm used to it, I do have to grudgingly admit his Jobsness got it right.

    That said, I'd really like to see Apple improve the auto-correction on the iPhone even more. It can identify mistyped letters but it can't identify mis-ordered letters. A simple example would be "the". If I typed "yhe" it would correct that to "the" automatically. But if I typed "teh" it wouldn't fix that. Accidentally double tapping a letter as "thhe" isn't auto-corrected either. It would be really great if they could look into that for future firmware updates. I'm sure the horsepower and memory is available, it's just a case of doing the hard work coding it! :)

  15. Steve 11

    Pay attention, Google!!!

    Sadly, Google Android also ignores this important standard. It would be a big differentiator, IMHO. Happily, 3rd party solutions are becoming available for android as well:

    Personally I LOVED being able to take notes for a days worth of meetings, without having to worry about battery life or lugging around a laptop + A/C. If I have a long document to write, or want to emails/letters to family/friends in a coffee shop, it's so much faster and easier to pull a phone and keyboard out of my coat pocket than to set up a laptop. Is it for everyone? No. But wtf, pda keyboards have been around for 10y. To not support them is idiotic.

  16. jubtastic1


    <tone="sarcastic">A hot tip from Bill Ray regarding the iPhone?

    Does this mean you managed to buy one before they quietly discontinued it?</sarcastic>

  17. verity33
    Thumb Up


    Oh, I hope it works with my Nokia BT keyboard... Can't wait to try it!

  18. BeefStirFry
    Thumb Up

    Got it working..

    Got it working using the iMac bluetooth keyboard, nice demo, but still waiting for the completed App which will let you use it in other applications. Will be good if someone works out how to use a bluetooth mouse to replicate the touch screen movements, then all I'd need is the £250 mini projector, and I'd have a Micro iMac...

  19. Grumpytom


    Phone: large keyboard. Why? Only for those who are more than just a bit retentive? They'll want a big rotary dial next.

  20. Anonymous Coward
    Jobs Horns

    Let the wolves loose!

    OMG - Messing with "The FIrms" human interface is bound to bring on the wolves. Great work and about time - Should have been a feature of the phone two years ago.

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