Which was it?
Clams or mussels...China Daily says mussels, Lester says clams.
A Chinese villager has been jailed for 12 years for shooting and eating the country's last known wild Indochinese tiger, China Daily reports. Kang Wannian and Gao Zuqiao, from Mengla, Yunnan Province, encountered the animal in February while gathering freshwater mussels in a nature reserve near China's border with Laos. Kang …
"Kang claimed he shot the cat in self-defence, but the local court ruled he "did not need a gun" to gather mussels"
I think the evidence rather supports the fact he clearly DID need a gun to collect mussels.. He has a dead tiger as proof.
(Assuming he also came home with mussels with his tiger, rather than went looking for tiger alone)
Why cant the same penalty's be applied to all the chinese people who traffic in Indian/siberian/non-chinese Tiger body parts. They may not have killed the things themselves but by trading in their parts your fueling the trade that leads to there death.
And whilst where at it, what about the Shark fin dealers, and all the other endangered animals that are killed to feed the chinese market in these products...
Hypocrisy much?
YunNan is a province in the extreme northwest of China and shares borders with Laos and VietNam. It has the head waters for the YangTze and Mekong Rivers.
The Vietnamese like have a rat problem and the Yunnanese like eating cats. Never known to miss the opportunity to make a few Yuan or Dong they started catching cats and smuggling them across the border to satisfy the desire for cat meat.
As a result the rat population increased in this part of VietNam and the rice crops were ravaged causing the government of VietNam to threaten the death penalty for smuggling ANY wild animals from VietNam into YunNan.
There isn't much the Chinese won't eat, and their doing a fine job of killing off most of the species at their end of the planet. All too soon there will be zero wild life left to kill. What then ? Start killing and eating each other.. The ignorance coupled with arrogance is a deadly formula for what's left on our planet in the way of none human species.
History will not be kind to the human inhabitants of this planet who will ultimately be held responsible for the eradication of all other species.
Quite depressing. The sentence handed down was more than justified.
If I remember my Roman history studies correctly the Romans were primarily vegetarian, only eating meat regularly when they needed to get supplies from more recently conquered lands.
I don't remember any evidence that they resorted to cannibalism at any point and certainly the fall is usually attributed to a combination of decadence, military problems, financial problems and the rise of Christianity.
In fact, it could be said that as Rome still exists today - you can even go there to visit if you want - then it never really /fell/, it just faded back into the city that it is now.
So. Any actual scientific proof here or just some kind of vegetarian "meat-eating=evil" rhetoric?
The only thing that stops us Europeans and North Americans killing our wildlife is that we've already done so. Bears, wolves, bison, auroch, beaver, reindeer -- these species have been wiped out completely in parts of Europe and in some cases in their entirety.
I'm not saying we should allow other countries to make the same mistakes as us, just that it is sheer bigotry and hypocrisy to criticise them without acknowledging our own past mistakes. In fact, it borders on racism.
Ever heard how the Maori cleared Aotearoa of large wildlife in the span of a few generations with knife and fork? Or how amerinds hunted buffalo - drive a large group of them over a cliff, take a few morsels and let the rest rot? Give the "Noble Savage" drivel a rest please (now *there's* racism for you - as if they are any different than people wearing trousers), humans as a species have this tendency to clear their environment of tasty food at a frightening rate. I bet that if we all went vegan the soy bean would be on the endangered list a few seconds later...
or else he would have been the meal. Now, I am all for animal rights, but sentient beings have to take rank a little higher, though I do sometimes wonder.
Anyway, in a scenario where it is you or another then well, that is it, whatever happens is just evolution and the law has nothing to say about it.