Oh dear. Either you're a party activist or there are actually poor sods out there who think that "alcohol units" mean anything other than fuck-all.
The idea of 'safe drinking' is, frankly, dangerous nonsense. Alcohol is toxic. It doesn't magically turn toxic after the third pint - one small glass of wine is still one small glass of poison. However, your body is resilient and self-repairing, which means that it can cope with a certain amount. How much it can cope with depends on your height, weight, previous drinking and the luck of the genes tombola. It's up to the individual not to poison themselves to the extent it becomes a problem which spills over into other areas in life.
Universal limits are meaningless, and, in fact, one of the scientists that was paid to come up with those limits actually admitted some months ago that they plucked the figures out of thin air.
There are many good reasons to decrease your alcohol consumption - e.g. if you wake up feeling like shit on a regular basis, or have a tendency to hit people, forget where your house is, or do other things under the influence that you later regret, or if you're putting on weight. But believing that you're endangering yourself by drinking more than some invented government figures is senseless. These are people, remember, who believe that marijuana and ecstacy are more dangerous than alcohol, when it is a straightforward chemical fact that they are not. Choosing to believe what such people say is a form of mental illness.