back to article Last splash for Flash support on elderly PowerPC G3s

Adobe will end Flash Player support for Apple’s aged PowerPC-based G3 machines after the release of version 10.1 of the software, which isn’t expected to land until early next year. Beyond Flash Player 10.1, Mac G3 fans will no longer be able to run the software on their computers. "The Adobe Flash Player 10.1 release, …


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  1. David Simpson 1


    Although G3s will get this update I can assure you it is pointless, I have the last generation iMac with a 600Mhz G3 and it can't run flash, it barely manages DivX or XviD with out dropped frames and skips.

    1. Sean Bergeron
      Jobs Horns


      YouTube is an exercise in futility on my 733/G4. I wouldn't even bother trying on my 350/G3. I keep them around because they support the things they're underneath (an old Apple CRT, NeXT monitor) very well.

  2. James O'Shea Silver badge

    why even bother?

    The Power Mac G3 dates from January 1999... just short on _eleven years ago_. In those days Win98SE and WinNT4 roamed the landscape... It has a maximum (supported) OS of 10.2.8. (Think Win2K vintage...) If you put XPostFacto on a G3 you could run 10.3.x, but you might not like the results. (I certainly didn't. I put 10.2.8 back on in very short order.) Running 10.4.x would be painful, running 10.5.x out of the question, and 10.6 runs only on Intel. I'd say that Flash support on a 11 year old machine would be the least of your problems...

    And, yes, I have a beige G3. 266 MHz. 768 MB RAM. (officially Apple supported 192...) 6 MB video RAM using a ATI Rage card. (Yes, 6 whole MB video RAM, it shipped with _2_ MB...). I've replaced the original 4 GB hard drive with a slightly larger 80 GB drive (note that it's impossible to install OS X onto a partition larger than 8 GB on a beige G3, to install the OS I had to put the drive onto another, newer, Mac and run the installer from there; it'll run just fine once installed but simply won't install). The only browser I have on that machine is MSIE 5.2.something, and I've not even tried to access the internet from it for _years_. I suppose that FireFox 1 might work, if I could dig up a copy...

    I have this vision of trying to watch a YouTube vid on it....

    1. Alan W. Rateliff, II
      Paris Hilton


      Here ya go.

      Firefox - Mac Old Versions

      Paris... I got nothing for this one.

      1. James O'Shea Silver badge


        I'll get it, and if I actually want to access the Internet from the beige I may even use it. It can't be worse than MSIE 5.2.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    'performance enhancements'

    Is it too much to hope that Adobe will release a version of Flash that won't max out the processor on a Mac Pro?

  4. JeeBee

    Wow, a G3 can run flash?

    Flash barely runs on a 1.33GHz G4, I can't imagine how bad it would be on 800MHz and slower G3s! I'm surprised they're supporting G3s still, I guess they deserve some credit for that...

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Max cpu on a Mac Pro?

    I don't think I have ever encountered a cpu max out on a Mac Pro with Flash


    based on

    A very interesting and intuitive use of Flash if one may say so.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    As a ps

    The only bit of Flash that it wearingly wearing at the moment (for me) is that dreadful Shell advert on El Reg.

    Y'know the one the plops out at the merest approach of mouse pointer.

    Is there any way to turn the dreadful thing off?

    1. James O'Shea Silver badge


      If you use AdBlocker (currently at 1.4) all kinds of ads, including that one, go bye-bye.

    2. nanchatte Bronze badge
      Thumb Up

      I recommend clicktoflash safari plugin

      ... On any installation, not just old ones, because you can choose which flash gets to max out your CPU by clicking to start the animation!

      It's the first thing I install on my PowerPC based iMacs.

      1. Kanhef
        Thumb Up


        It is quite nice, especially since it lets you grab H.264 video from Youtube, rather than their Flash player. I wonder if anyone will try to port it to Firefox.

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