Great job guys!
Nice to see Epson aren't wasting any time and money during this Credit Crisis....ooh wait...
Stick "extreme" in front of another word and you have a surefire YouTube hit. Epson hopes to power past such greats as extreme ironing and extreme crocheting with... extreme gaming. The term has no official definition - yet - but to Epson it means donning a suit fitted with cables, power pack, PlayStation 3 - the slim one, of …
There was talk of having projectors (using 3 coloured laser diodes) mounted in phones. Quite small and pocket sized.
The projector looks as wearable as a desktop PC is portable.
Why not have a portable game system by lashing a tower case to his back and an old CRT monitor pointing upwards on his stomach. He could even use the tower as a mobile seat.
He wont look any more silly than this getup.
Even worse is having an XBOX 360 on your back, I mean unless you fork out for the wireless adaptor you're screwed if you want to play online (unless you have a really really really long network cable) :-D
Personally I'll stick to my DS for mobile gaming.
Mine is the one with the DS Lite in the pocket.
Awesomeness. Pure awesomeness.
Seems as though some of you commentards wouldn't know 'a bit of fun' if it skinned you alive.
What the hell is that comment about the credit crunch?...yawn. That was so February 2009, people have moved on.
If I wore that suit and someone asked me if I was a god, I'd say YES!.
Here I was hoping they had actually changed the form factor of everything which of course the PS3 being Sonys IP they can't do anyway I guess. Still don't dismiss projector portable gaming. As someone who basically lives in hotels due to working away from home, projectors are one of the few ways to decently game in a hotel room. Now if only the lamps would last 10x as long.