us vs France and Germany
@mike richards
>>>So what are they doing right that Britain isn't?
And the trains and buses are more frequent and cheaper.
Well for a start the bloody trains and buses don't leak money to the fat shareholders who own the businesses that can't fail to make money in a system where you pretty much have to be to have your franchise taken away from you.
I don't even travel by train very much now a days and I'm really really angry about our public transport, every time I see a fu**ing advert telling me to drive less or take the train, I want to shout at them, "I would if I could, but they are expensive and rubbish, and I have to have a car to get to work".
As for schools and health, every where you go you will find people moaning, just check out the health tax in Germany, it would make your pips squeak.
Just remember how much you wanted them when super rich "Dave Boy Tory" rides into town with his posse, in their Limos, nobody (well not many) are voting for them, they will vote against the others.
It will not get any better, any more than it did when Maggie came into power, I guess you young one's don't remember inflation so high that goods went up in price weekly, but I do, and
Dave-boy rich kid will be going on about the trickle down effect, the only thing that will trickle down will be warm, wet and smell of processed vintage port.
So for all you wealthy IT people it will be ok for the less well off you will smell of Piss.
Paris 'cos like either major party she will fuck you and run away with the money.