I still can't see the attraction of watching overpaid prima donnas kick a ball about.
Football fans worldwide have flocked to YouTube to catch what has been dubbed "The Miss of the Century" - a open-goal howler by Harrow Borough's Rocky Baptiste: Mercifully for Baptiste, Harrow Borough beat their Ryman League rivals Waltham Abbey 5-3 in Saturday's match, but the poor bloke's epic fail has "now replaced …
Last time I heard that one being discussed was just after Ryan Giggs had shot straight over the bar from right smack in front of the wide-open Arsenal goal.
The commentators made the point that in the Rosenthal howler, the ball "bobbled" off a divot in the turf as he went to strike it. They then replayed the Giggs shot in slomo, paying particular attention to the movement of the ball as he went to thump it in the sunshine on a perfect Old Trafford surface. Not so much as a hint of deviation. One of the great comedy footballing moments, enhanced by the rib-tickling sarcasm of the Arsenal supporters belting out "Giggsie is my hero" for the rest of the match.
Dear Sir,
I don't ordinarily read this publication, It's not my type of thing, you know. I prefer cats and so forth. However, despite this I must confess to being flabbergasted that there is absolutely no feline content within this article whatsoever. Come to that, I think I've read every article posted today and, well this month really, in the hope of seeing something, anything about cats but to no avail. I feel that I must protest in the strongest manner.
Despite the title of the article clearly stating the content is about "foot ball", I must admit that I still clicked the link with a sense of levity, confident that this time I would find some pussy-cat related pics. But no, imagine my sense of distress when instead of the furry feline fun I was clearly (not) promised by the title of the article, I instead find inane mumblings about a sportsman with his boots on the wrong feet. I mean, "FOOTIE FANS FLOCK TO CLOCK 'MISS OF THE CENTURY", how can that possibly have nothing to do with cats?
Frankly I'm disgusted. I feel completely mislead by the writer of this article and the whole publication all together. A friend of mine told me "The internet's all about pussy" and I honestly think this should be the case. Captions about food are optional.
Until your publication makes significant moves in this direction, I'm afraid I shall not read any more. Apart from all the time, so I can complain about the lack of cats.
I remain, sir,
Disgusted of Braintree.
In other news, some people don't like football, and feel the need to tell just about EVERYBODY.
Good for them.
Neither of you like football, but you both clicked and commented on a story that is quite obviously about football. Why would you do this if you dislike it so much?
P.S. TeeCee - I was at OT when Giggs missed that sitter against Arsenal, but it was at least on the edge of the box (as I remember it anyway!) so I wouldn't regard it as a contender for worst ever. Definitely still a shocker though!
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he shot from almost on the goal line in the middle of the goal.
What I found funnier was that everyone else seemed confused.
"What do we do now? It's not a kick-off is it?"
"Err I think he missed it"
"Nah, you sure?"
"It's a throw-in"
"Who's goal is this one anyway? That was good defensive work from him, are we kicking the wrong way?"
His second was a hit and hope. What nobody mentions is that was an own goal!!
I assume the IT angle was that he is Ess Haych IT?