I see some 'Ad hominem fans' missing my comments (-;. Well for a change i will add some quotes from more relevant people:
The Human-perspective:
‘We are a thin layer of mush on a rock speck
in a corner of the Universe. Now, departing
from those facts, we can talk about man.’
Schopenhauer, father of modern Philosophy.
‘I am Kali, God of death’
Oppenheimer, father of The Atomic Bomb
'And nothing can we call our own but death
and that small model of the barren Earth,
which serves as paste and cover to our bones...'
Shakespeare, father of modern Literature
‘From a legal perspective the Large Hadron Collider is the biggest genocide in human history.
With a mere probability of 10% of risk, an unlikely case, which is the original estimate of the company,
it means a genocide of 10% x 6.6 billion=66 million statistical dead
by the mere fact of having the LHC running’
Mark Leggett, expert risk.
The Theoretical Perspective:
'In the 1920s, Bose and Einstein predicted a dense state of matter in which many particles at very low temperatures share the same spatial location, a prediction which was verified experimentally in the 1990s. The simplest mathematical model of such a Bose–Einstein condensate uses a non-linear interaction between the many particles in the condensate. The non-linearity poses a great challenge to both physicists and mathematicians, leading often to unpredictable behavior. For example, strong attractive interaction among quark condensates may lead to collapse, infinite density, and model breakdown, the properties expected in the classic treatment of black holes.'
Wikipedia, Quark Condensates.
The Industrial /Ethic/Political Perspective:
'This case is of concern to all the people of America, not only to physicists. It should be addressed by the Congress'
Hellen Gillmor 'Sancho et Al vs. CERN'
‘Technological civilization is programmed by the principle that something ought to be done because it is technologically possible. If it is possible to build nuclear weapons, they must be built, even If they might destroy us all. Once this principle is accepted, humanist Values (something has to be done because it is needed by man) are Dethroned and technological development becomes the foundation of ethics'.
Eric Fromm, father of political psychology