@JohnA 1
"Do you think you should be investigated for murder, robbery, rape and treason just because you are capable of them?"
Certainly not! I am a firm believer in the presumption of innocence. I do however also believe in the authorities' right to investigate a people who appear to be connected to a crime.. If I was found to be at the scene of one, or in any other way under suspicion, the authorities have every right to except my full co-operation. As
I believe that Google's actions place the company under suspicion, especially as regards abuse of monopoly. I believe that the authorities should pop in and ask some pointed questions. Google, if it were not going to be evil, would co-operate fully. These investigations need not be public, or disclose company secrets to anyone except the authorities in question. (I would, for example, have no problems with the authorities taking a look at the Google adwords algorithm, but keeping the investigation sealed, as this is Google intellectual property that has every right to be protected.)
It is my contention that many of Google’s corporate practices are exceptionally questionable, some (but not all) of which are detailed quite thoroughly here at El Reg. I submit that they have abused both their Search and Ad Monopoly to extend into other markets and utterly irradiate customers there. (This by the way, is very much so a crime. Just as using your phone line monopoly to crush VoIP, or your Operating System monopoly to crush Office competitors is.) I won’t detail everything here (El Reg’s articles are a great introduction to Google’s many potential sins,) but I will specifically bring up Google and third-party created content.
Please pay particular attention to Google News, Google’s books-related endeavors, even to the incredible will with which Google fights against being forced to screen Google Video/Youtube/etc. for copyright violations. Taken together, the surface impression is one of Google using its monopoly position in several markets, (internet user-generated content distribution, search, advertising, etc.) to muscle content creators into doing what it wants, on it’s terms. It *may not be the case that this is true* but it is highly suspicious. The long term consequences to society as a whole if this is indeed Google’s plan are in fact so important that an investigation is called for. For Google’s sake, I hope it does turn out to be a case of “it looks worse than it is,” however Google shrouds so much in mystery that I can not know for sure their intentions or long term plans, and neither can you.
Their actions are highly suspicious, and may very well be in breach of laws. Just as though I were found at the scene of a murder, they are under suspicion. The authorities have every right to pursue one, and the public every right to demand one.
“As soon as Google does something to warrant an investigation, then yes - by all means go through everything. Until then, stop trying to take them down just because they are big or because you have some sort of innate trust issues with anyone claiming to be good”
I have to also dispute this statement. I claim to be good. I choose to associate myself only with those who think of themselves as “good.” I have had many a long philosophical discussion about whether or not “good” or “evil” even truly exist, and if they do, does it matter which side you are on, or if you choose to be neutral. I believe that some things exist which are “good” some things exist which are “evil” and most things are in a murkey grey area in between.
Yet I choose to be good, and I fundamentally understand why someone else would make the same choice. I don’t need to suspect someone because they make this claim, but I will start to suspect someone who makes this claim if their actions go counter to their words. As per above, I find several of Google’s actions suspicious, not only because they rub against my own personal view of what “do no evil” would entail, but also because I believe they have broken laws in the countries they reside in.