Three cheers for applied Boffinry
Isn't science amazing?
In the early hours this morning, boffins at the controls of the Large Hadron Collider brought the colossal particle-punisher up to beam energies of 1.18 tera-electron-volts (TeV), breaking the world atomsmasher record of 0.98 TeV held by the US Tevatron. The LHC is now officially the most powerful matter-rending machine in …
Is this why I couldn't sleep last night?
Although I wasn't aware of the terror being induced in the matter being spin-dizzied in the caves of France, my sleep was broken by strange dreams of swatted flies, traffic accidents and *ahem* fluid leaks.
Investigations must be carried out of the possible implications on our collective psyche!
I've noticed, in que's at shops, in the pub, and at work that it seems recently a LOT of people are talking about having difficulty sleeping. I am curious as to what measures are taken to contain the stray R.F., magnetism that this beast is generating...after all the brain is an electrical organ, blah, blah blah.
I know someone who works at the LHC, and apparently the thing almost blew up again.
This was caused entirely by the fact that when the operator wanted to click on "SHUTDOWN NOW" some fucking auto-opening Shell advertisement got in his way.
Apparently CERN is going to rethink the ad-sponsored "free superconducting magnets" programme for LHC #2.
30th of November is a key date in the history of mankind, which for the first time in our short self-destructive existence has managed to built a Damocles sword that menaces its very own survival, by entering in the region of Energies in which our electro-weak matter dies, ‘breaking its symmetry’, transformed in quark, dark matter. Beyond 1 teravolts our matter dies and we enter in a extremely dangerous unknown region in which many theoretical and experimentally proved particles can provoke a ‘big-bang’ Nova of the Earth. Thus we shall walk under the Damocles Machine every day till in 2012 it reaches its maximal power.
CERN misinforms mankind.
The Large Hadron Collider is a quark factory that will deconfine millions of quarks, the strongest, most attractive particles of the Universe. They carry the Atom’s mass, caged inside their nuclei. 99% of LHC’s production will consist on superfluid Quark condensates, a new state of matter, defined by Einstein, in which Quarks fusion together, creating hyper-dense, attractive tornado-like vortices with properties similar to black holes. Astro-physicists fear that if enough quarks are pegged together in one of those condensates, they can trigger a mass-reaction that would attract all the other quarks of the Earth, transforming our planet into a dense pulsar or black hole. Because in Nature all what is possible happens (Gell Mann’s Totalitarian principle), Quark stars should happen at LHC, making prohibitive for Public Policy the risks for Earth of a quark factory in this planet.
This is a clear case of industrial corruption. But the Company voices out 'ad hominem' campaigns against those who denounced the crime, voices out false statements (CERN portrays the quark factory as a cosmic ray factory, when we never found quarks in cosmic rays), and makes marketing campaigns on fringe theories pumped up as the ‘meaning of it all’ (the god' s particle, which Nambu, last year nobel prize proved to be self-similar to the already discovered top quark, hence non-existent, as the Universe is NOT redundant; the big-bang hype, a theory today cosmologists are discharging for the experimentally proved by the Hubble1 ‘fractal Universe’, of infinite hierarchical scales).
Einstein’s relativity not quantum theorists have properly defined Mass as a whirl of space-time, a ‘frequency’ of rotation that attarcts more like a huricane, when it turns faster as Nobel Prize Wilczek and this author have stated ad nauseam2. Just substitute in E=Mc2 and ExT=K (einstein’s 2 formulas for energy) and you get M=k/T=k v (frequency) – Mass is therefore the frequency of a cyclical vortex, a clock of time that carries the information of the Universe. Einstein defined mass, according to the Principle of Equivalence as a cyclical, accelerated vortex of spacetime, whose mechanism of attraction is obvious: the faster the vortex rotates the more it attracts. On the other side the absurd Higgs Mechanism propose an invisible ‘particle’ is ‘foreseen’ by other particles who ‘come to meet Higgs’ as if ‘it were a celebrity’ (sic), attracting them. This is nonsense, and so Nobel prize Weinberg calls Higgs the ‘toilet particle’, to be flushed down into one of Einstein’s spacetime vortex as the Earth might be next year.
This means there is no Higgs or Hawking’s radiation. As 2 recent experiments have confirmed; since the Fermi satellite sent to find evaporation of black holes in the galactic halo found none, and an experiment made with ‘dumb holes’ (black holes of sound) found none. And so a black hole will kill us.
CERN’s quantum entropy physicists deny Einstein’s work, despite being the foundation of modern cosmology because in Einstein’s models upgraded today by fractal Relativity the risks of extinction are close to 100%3. Many lives are at risk, real lives of real people, as never before.
Today mankind has no defense because the judiciary, politicians and the press who should check and denounce the excesses of companies and governments are not doing their job of warning the population. Time is running out for politicians to take seriously the biggest danger for Global Safety of the year 2010. This machine-weapon MUST be halted till the theoretical dispute between quantum theorists and relativity theorists is solved, as all seems to indicate in favor of Einstein; the true master of physics, NOT a machine but a HUMAN MIND showed us. Recently ‘quantum physicists’ proved with nonsense maths that the future was interfering with LHC. It is ‘the future of science’ what is warning mankind against an obsolete machine that menaces the future of all of us.
3 At you can see a documentary with the real nature of CERN.
There are lots of people here who are quick to jump Luis' post, I wonder how many of them are particle physicists? I'm not, so his post sounds like gibberish to me, but then so do the press releases from CERN. I think that the most interesting thing here is how many people, apparently as ignorant as me, are more than happy to heap abuse on a chap simply because he is not officially sanctioned, a Nurenberg herd instinct if ever there was one.
I would be most interested to read a response from a real particle physicist who addresses what he actually says. Isn't that what science is supposed to be like?
Seriously dude, what did you do, sign up to any story about the LHC and post the same crap over and over?
I have no problem with my tax money going to futher the world of science but I draw the line at giving dribbling retards access to the internet from whatever rubber roomed hospital you're clearly in!
...the "Dimensional Rending" alarmists, I choose to see the anomalous deviations in reality as consistent with the natural cycles of the universe as played out over cosmic timescales rather than the result of 50 brief years of human activity in the sphere of atomic annihilation.
Anthropogenic Space-Time Continuum Collapse is a sop to the blame-humanity-first'ers served up by the leftwing press toiling in the deception-mills of their socialist realism inspired media-collectives!
Rather than chicken-little ourselves back into a pre-atomic torpor, we must accept and embrace the natural rhythms of our universe and those adjacent. We must realise our capacity to adapt and evolve to meet the challenges of an increasingly divergent unreality.
Ephemeral black holes spun out of raw matter tortured by cataclysmic energies barely within our control are as natural as the sunrise, or the morning breeze, or our anti-matter doppelganger relentlessly hunting us out of pure parallel-universe malevolence...
Careful. Some spittle nearly hit me there.
"Astro-physicists fear that if enough quarks are pegged together in one of those condensates, they can trigger a mass-reaction that would attract all the other quarks of the Earth, transforming our planet into a dense pulsar or black hole."
Splendid performance. I'm an astro-physicist. I don't fear this. Smash them particles, I say, and let's see what falls out. Last one to get turned into strangelet soup's a ninny!
"In all cases the FMCM dumped the beam before any BLM triggered..."
No-one seems to have spotted the coded warning about the possibility of Big Lime-green Monsters being "triggered" (i.e. emerging from a newly-opened Portal to the Other Side).
Looks like a cry for help from one of the LHC staff, who knows what's _really_ going on in there, and has decided to tell the world before it all gets out of hand.
Is there a home for retired doom-mongers? Just wondering what happens to them when the world doesn't end on schedule.
Or perhaps it does and I'm living in the alternate universe where things worked out ok and some poor version of me is living in the universe where all the power grids failed due to the Y2K Bug and he now has to hunt wooly mamoths for food clothing etc
Good. At least it will be (fairly) quick.
Rather that than the increase in cataclysmic weather events causing loss of arable land, the exponential rise in population coupled with decreasing resources, increasing nationalism and the inevitable wars that ensue.
That all sounds a bit drawn out to me, so bring on the Black Hole I say.
Am I the only one that enjoyed this rant. It has it all, enough Techno babble to scare the knickers of a woolly mammoth.
"Just substitute in E=Mc2 and ExT=K (einstein’s 2 formulas for energy) and you get M=k/T=k v (frequency) – Mass is therefore the frequency of a cyclical vortex, a clock of time that carries the information of the Universe. "
Enough Semi Religious Babble (if you look hard enough) to straighten up a bent Dublin Priest. "The God particle will find you and it knows what you have done"
"This machine-weapon MUST be halted till the theoretical dispute between quantum theorists and relativity theorists is solved"
Quantom Black Hole Cannons at dawn, perhaps, will settle this:=#
Good on you Luis.
It was definitely not your usual iFart comment from bored White Van drivers txting in from Peckam Common.
I for one cannot wait to see what happens next!
"Tested the reaction time of the FMCMs on RD1.LR1, RD1.LR5, RD34.LR3, RQ4.LR7 by switching off the PCs (to avoid a WIC trigger that is even faster than the FMCM in such a case). In all cases the FMCM dumped the beam before any BLM triggered... All MPS tests were successful - excellent performance of the FMCMs. "
Reading all of Luis' post nearly made my eyes bleed (not to mention my brain), but just one thing that immediately leapt out at me:
"we never found quarks in cosmic rays"
Cosmic rays = highly energetic nuclei = protons & neutrons.
Protons & neutrons - MADE OF SODDING QUARKS!
So yes, we do find quarks in cosmic rays.
Well, hell; that oughta make things way easier for Santa Claus, then.
Not only that, but all those parents will finally have a ready answer for when their kids ask how Santa's able to bring toys to children all over the world in one night: "...well, Johnny, Santa uses the interdimensional portal at the LHC, that's how!"
Uh, yeah; that one there, with the sonic screwdriver in the inside pocket...