Just check out punter net and ask the users some questions?
It's well known that the online revolution is slowly but surely killing off the treepulp press. The chattering classses worry more about losing their broadsheets, but the syndrome is just as deadly for more downmarket papers. However, there's at least one ray of hope out there for distressed tabloid journos, where they can use …
Is there ever a sweeter honey trap/heavenly abode for the Sex Trade Field Worker ? Remote Controlled Drones in Advanced Virtual Machinery InfraStructures would Feel Real Comfortable Investing Research back into Sex Industry Improvements with Edutainments. Live Adult Scripting for Executive Rise and Proxy Leading Scout Position.
IT is an interesting opportunity with many quirky possibilities. I imagine that the ad post box/inbox is a riot of all manner of strange revelations:-)
In the Beginning, what Original Passions kept Madness away with Healthy Wealth of Flowers from the Magic Perfumed Gardens of Eden...... Personified as an Eve Nymph in Basic Texts.
Nine posts here vs zero at the moment in other topics.
Funny how the prostitution is masked under "lapdance". Leeds kinda needs men with a con-talk and rough-talk skills and ability to survive during a year of exploring the night economy. What a great coincidence that I'm thinking about switching to the social studies... is pistol allowed to carry along, or my pencil will be the only weapon while doing the magiq thing... for the uni?
On the assumption that most of them will be male. The principal investigator's "teaching interests lie in the fields of sex work, violence, 'deviant' behaviours..." Those tend to be pretty misandristic fields.
Paris because she symbolises the commodification of the female body in late capitalism.
As you decided to look into the serious side, shall I retaliate with a sensible answer.
Maybe they are trying to work how people (including children known to social services) get into the sex trade. What percentage are willing participants and what percentage are forced / coerced. Maybe they want to find the best way to get people out of the business, or how to prevent kids getting into it in the first place.
Maybe, if you stopped reading shite like the Scum and Daily Wail and actually understood what is involved in Childrens Services and other areas of Social work, you'd realise that research is extremely inportant to their work. Hell you may be even interested to know that most abused kids are by members of their own families and close family "friends" and are NOT known by Social Services, despite what the witch hunt headlines may want you to think.
Indeed they don't, at least not in Leeds. They're shutting the brewery, the miserable gits.
I have to park in the middle of the red light district in Leeds. Next time I get stopped by a plodmobile when I'm driving home, I'll show them this article and say I'm doing some preliminary research.
As an aside, how are you meant to get a first job that requires experience of doing that job? For instance a secretarys job which requires previous secretarial experience.
There are some jobs which this is not applied to and maybe Europe should look into this :
prime minister / queen / dictator / prostitute / popstar / pope / teacher / popular childrens author