back to article Green politician says oral sex is part of being Swedish

A Green Party politician has declared that part of being Swedish is the opportunity to swing both ways during the course of a single day in the interests of free speech. Sofia Bothorp delivered that could well be the Swedish tourist board's new slogan during a local council debate on Swedishness. According to The Local, …


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  1. Rob

    Ticket booked

    I'm on the first flight over there.

    Mine's the one with nothing in the pockets as Airport security have just searched it.

    1. Steen Hive
      Thumb Up

      @Ticket booked

      Get a 5 quid Ryanair special from Stanstead, Edinburgh or Prestwick to Skavsta or Västerås, and you'll have plenty of lolly left over for debauchery!

      I came here for a weekend 20 years ago and still can't bring myself to leave.

  2. Graham Bartlett

    Citizenship tests?

    Over here in good old Blighty, various politicos have blathered on about citizenship tests to ensure that immigrants embrace "Britishness". After this article, I can't help wondering just what's involved for immigrants in embracing "Swedishness". Do you have to actively participate in both, or be interested in watching, or it enough simply not to mind that people do both?

    1. SirTainleyBarking

      If taking part is important

      Whats the Swedish for "Mouthwash" ?

  3. Anonymous Coward


    >part of being Swedish is being able to “lick pussy in the morning and suck cock in the evening if you want to”

    But I don't! I want to be Swedish and suck cock in the morning and lick pussy in the evening

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    ...surely a first in an el Reg story...

    "does not look kindly on showing pussy licking or cock sucking "

    Marvellous. Don't tip-toe around the issue will you now! ;)

  5. Captain TickTock
    Paris Hilton

    Playmobil! Playmobil! Playmobil!

    May I be the first to say - Playmobillustrations please!

    And we need a Playmobil icon now.

    Paris becozz....

  6. Stef 2

    Compare and contrast

    Sucking cock/eating pussy?

    I think we know what sort of country Mandelson wants.

    Aaaaaaaanyway, having lived in Sweden I can confirm it is wonderful.

    Fucking wonderful.


  7. Anonymous Coward


    Perhaps these are her favorite activities?

    Taking coat, heading to sweden to see..

  8. VeganVegan
    Thumb Up

    Oral sex

    A 4-letter word ending with the letter 'K", and that means intercourse:


  9. Luther Blissett

    These be Fortran Times

    The name of the rose... is Sofia BOTHorp. Life imitates a nostalgic British view of the Swedish.

    Meanwhile the IT story of the year, one HARRY_README.txt would seem to be giving Reg's forensic analysts indigestion. Is Reg finally turning into a weapon of mass distraction?

  10. sT0rNG b4R3 duRiD
    Paris Hilton

    Oral hygiene

    Do Swedes have bad breath, or are they avid consumers of listerine?

  11. Anonymous Coward

    And over here, our politicians are saying

    "Kiss my arse".

  12. The Mysterious Panda
    Paris Hilton

    Deleted by moderator?

    How far beyond the pale did someone have to go in this oral sex bonanza to get their post deleted? Were they Swedish? Enquiring minds want to know!

    Paris, because while you might not find Paris in Sweden, there's plenty of Swedes to be found in Paris...

  13. Anonymous Coward

    My wife would like to comment

    ...that the jokes about God and Allah were not simply jokes about God and Allah, but rather about Allah's small penis and Our Lord's impotence.

    Those wacky Swedes (my wife hails from the same town as the lady in question, though she has sadly never shown aforementioned tendencies...)

    AC because, well, you know...

  14. frank ly

    Understanding Going Down

    "Free speech comes naturally here"

    But surely you can't speak freely if your I understood this properly?

  15. NozeDive
    Paris Hilton


    Simply amazing.:-)

  16. Anonymous Coward

    You know...

    ...we're really better off not knowing when a post has been deleted by a moderator. All the notice does is let us know we're missing something. Why tease?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      In all likelihood

      I'd say the deleted post was probably rude about swedes rather than being about anti-gravity cunnilingus (my personal specialty incidentally) or something else equally harmless.

  17. Davey Bee


    I read this article three times - but I still couldn't find anything about Swedish 30-year-olds fancying middle-aged men with beer guts and grey hair.

    Ah well, looks like a Saga tour again.

  18. Disco-Legend-Zeke

    Swedish Foreplay:


  19. N2

    Thats it

    I was going to France, where the delicate fragance of un shaved armpit fluff just drives a real man wild...

    But no, Ive cancelled everything and booked a ticket to where ever it is in Sweden

    Isnt it just so wonderful when women speak their mind?

  20. Lars

    A bad remainder

    I think that behind this story is the shocking reaction to some stupid and silly cartoons about Mohamed published in Denmark, in some parts of the world.

    Quite frankly, we have the right, and the ability, to make jokes about gods, the king, the queen, politicos, our selves and who not.

    It was a remainder, a bad one, that while we think we have the wish to learn and accept people with different backgrounds, religions and gods,. it is a one way reality.

    So if you are unable to question your self and your gods never enter Scandinavia or Europe for that matter.

    And If you are afraid that your children will change and question things in a different way than you do, you have a double reason for staying away.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Sweden? Yeah, right.

      Well, I've been watching the Wallander series (in Swedish) and there ain't nothing alluring about the Swedes in Ystad.

      The programmes are fine, but you do feel the need to have a shower afterwards.

  21. No, I will not fix your computer

    A tit[le] must be supplied

    “lick pussy in the morning and suck cock in the evening if you want to”

    Nothing for lunch? how about something hot inside you? etc. etc.

    In other news, God OR Allah? there was I thinking that Allah was arabic for God.... (and was used in the old testament as such)

  22. Chris Hunt

    "I said it in the heat of the moment and it just slipped out"

    fnarr fnarr...

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