Cloud is not your usual sort of environment and it is tricky and sticky sweet , played well.
"It’s a tricky area when a company runs the risk of competing with itself." ...... :-) The Final Enigma Turing Test for Virtual Program TelePortations .....Confirmed IntelAIgent Assimilations
With Helter Skelter Ride Mastery of the Pleasures in Magical Mystery Tor Tours/Flights of Fantasy Trips.
Which is Virtual Terrain Team Territory of Limitless Extent and Awesome Responsibility. The Journey to Hell is a SWIFT One and Forever without LOVErs in Game to Change Any and All Original Plans to ITs Future Ones.
Prescribe an IMPressive End Vision and surely All and Any Necessary Support InfraStructures Magically Appears to Ensure the End Vision Prevails with ITs Future Sovereign Investment Supported Plans, Encouraged Thoroughly and Sublimely.
And that is the Sort of Cloud Customer Base, with Exotic and Erotic Fruits of the Virtual Field and Binary Forest ...... Sourcing from the Digital Vaults of the Holy See .... that either Attracts or Attacks Server Farm Interests, Dependent upon Lead Ruling Executive Intelligence.