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Google is testing out a new look for its iconic search page, featuring cleaner, bolder graphics and a default side bar. A small number of Google users have already been seeing the changes over the past week or so, although it's not clear when, if ever, the new search interface will be widely deployed. As you can see from …
And the colour scheme and buttons feel almost SimCity 4-ish to me. Is this a video game or an information tool?
It looks very much like a case of “chrome creep." (The double meaning here is both unintentional and likely true.) I [insert list of computer-related activities viewed as moderately complex by the average person] for a living and [list of boring but complicated activities] in my spare time. For all that, I’m still irritated by *unnecessary* complexity. (Style is both a relative concept with roots in individual taste, and very much so NOT a feature. Espessially when said style adds to complexity.)
This holds true for everything from consumer electronics to websites, operating systems, cars, phones, or just about anything else. Start with the simple, and make the complex an “out of the way” option turned on only by those who have a specific need or desire to use it. (Notice how the “sidebar” can’t be told to go away and never return?)
All these newfangled interface elements make me feel a lot older than I should. I liked Google back in the day because it was an extremely simply text return of my search results. Then image results and maps started creeping their way in, now we have a sidebar. It's looking and behaving more and more like Bing every month.
Anyone got a search engine with a simplified interface for us old timers? (Seriously...anyone know of a third party site that strips the chrome from Google?)
I suppose I'll just have to get used to it. :( Speaking out against it will inevitably become blasphemy, just like "for all the crowing, I don't actually like the look of the iPhone," or "even after months of straight use, that ribbon bar really doesn't seem all that useful to me." (The one that really got me a lecture on my misunderstanding of the importance of “style” was the blasphemy against Win 7’s new “Start Menu,” an abomination for which I believe the blame rests solely on KDE 4. May they both burn in the fiery inferno of something fiery and inferno-like.)
And get off my lawn!
It's starting to look messy.
If they want a side bar then integregrate the top selections into it (web, image video etc.) and make an effort to present the information usefully.
I'm stating to wonder how much like Microsoft they are becoming - does producing an OS do this to people?
Stick to clean display and present the information people want - too much stuff going on makes it confusing.
Google (uk) is the only way I can access some things from work (Spain) (including Reg headlines!)
I wasn't happy this morning to find all my news had been deleted; thanks Google!!
As for how the page looks... For god's sake.
Tell you what Google: first change your 'search' engine so that it only returns pages that have what I searched for. Then worry about what it looks like.
the reason I use google is that is quick, clean and simple... I type searches and it gives me answers...
If i wanted clutter around my answers id Bing or use another search engine... although ironicly Id probably have to google those first - do they exist anymore?!
a big thumbs down from me... the current layout aint broke, so dont 'fix' it
Meh, call me old fashioned, but I like the old (current) one more. The whole point of the Google look was that it's spartan, not much... Just my search results, and a choice to choose between web / images / videos etc will be fine, no need to ass a sidebar that does exactly the same thing.
You know, the crayon-designed blobby primary coloured version that you have to endure for whole minutes until you figure out how to revert to the businesslike grey.
And calling the options the 'sidebar' reeks of Vista!
Still - I wonder if their intention is to make it look the same in all browsers and platforms. The buttons currently look different, for example, in OS X Safari to Windows IE.
I don't think it looks like XP, but if they implement this they'll need to add a "Classic" button, and yes .. my WinXP looks like Win2000 ;-)
and I don't get the point of the "I'm feeling lucky" thing .. never clicked it .. does it search for nothing or everything ? ..
I'd simplify what they currently have, put the text link "Search" to the right of the search bar for the few that haven't figured out "Enter" .. get rid of both buttons and kill off "I'm feeling lucky"
If only google would employ some decent industrial designers, they woudl be unstoppable!
99% of Apple's success is due to beautiful design. Unfortunately ruined by a lack of "don't be evil" mentality. They are unlikely to ever change their mentality, so will always produce products that are both awesome and suck at the same time.
Google has the correct mentality, but is run by a bunch of clueless nerds with no taste for good design. This is at least potentially fixable.
Oh, and their new google page is still ugly, and always has been.