Woo hoo from me too
Tivo is still the best system going - everyone I know who was lucky enough to get one in the UK has hung onto it in preference to Sky+ / V+ (for anyone who says Sky+ will take some beating have you actually used any other systems?)
@ Ian K
"Virgin Media's current PVR box (or its UI, at least) sucks like a hoover; 5 or so button presses to get to the recorded program list, no "resume playback" feature if you stop part way through a program, loses all configuration settings if you do any sort of reset at all... Horrid, horrid, horrid."
I have to say I don't get any of that. From memory V+ -> Select -> Select gets to recorded programmes by date, there's options to start from the beginning, last viewed time or any arbitrary point in the programme and the couple of resets I have done haven't wiped any setting that I noticed.
What box do you have?