Dear Santa
I'll have an Armalite AR-50 for christmas please
Our piece last week on keepgoing.biz, which deployed an arsenal of weaponry to shoot the shit out of an innocent server, prompted HardOCP.com's Kyle Bennett to drop us a line suggesting he was better endowed in the firepower department. Coincidentally, HardOCP uses the same range as keepgoing.biz to satisfy its appetite for …
How many cards to stop the projectile from Carl Gustav? Not THAT many. Carl Gustav is essentially a bazooka and the projectile is slow and without much static force per square inch of cross-section.
How many cards to stop the BLAST from the hollow-cone charge in the warhead of Carl Gustav, well....
Ah, frag it, I´m trolling again...
Seriously, what is wrong with these people? What is next? Do we actually need to choose the best ammunition against the outdated servers, before they rise against us? Or even RAID our homes?
As 'The round arms after 20 to 70 m of flight', I expect 100 rounds will be needed before a first hit on a millimetric SD card core.
George Nacht:
"the projectile is slow and without much static force"
With '3.2 kg and muzzle velocity is 255 m/s', I expect more than 100kg of cards are needed to stop the projectile.
@AC who likes big guns: I like the Croatian equivalent because it has an over-the-shoulder blast tube which helps with the recoil, apparently.
I reckon railguns are the way forward.
C’mon El Reg, what sort of crappy reporting is this???
"what thickness of 32MB SD cards is required to impede a Carl Gustaf recoilless rifle high explosive anti-tank projectile?"
How on earth are we supposed to answer that when you haven’t specified if it is the HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank) or the HEDP (High Explosive Dual Purpose) round.
And it’s Gustav, not Gustaf.
Oh, I've just realised that you only need 1 SD card to impede an 84mm anti-tank projectile, mind you it won't be much of an impediment
flame from the back of my recoilless rifle
As a industry veteran, I recently went through my home shop and cleaned out piles of old computers. Knowing about data security, I pulled all the hard drives out before taking the old junk to the local recycler. I could have sanitized each drive and then given them away. But the drives are so old the average USB key trumps them. They have no value in the used computer market and will be trashed anyway.
Yes, I have one of the hard drives sitting at my desk with a pair of .308 sized holes in it. A post-it note which says "Certified Data Destruction".
Point being... What the heck else should I do with this old crap? Using it for target practice is as good as anything. It's my gun, my property, my old hardware. Who cares if there are pieces of busted PCB stuck in the lawn?
You raise a very valid point! As a matter of fact I was sitting here just wondering how many hard drives, servers and/or data centers an individual could impale using a depleted uranium shell (20 mm or larger). However, after a brief constitutional while writing this, I started wondering about the thermite factor. How many hard drives could be breeched by a kilo of thermite?
Business Continuity
1. When disaster strikes, be somewhere else. (don't build your data centre on a firing range)
Secure Deletion
1. Physically damaging one part of the media is insufficient to destroy all the data. (wire wool over the whole surface is better than a bullet hole in one place).
1. The equipment needs to be plugged in to work.
I'm off somewhere else.