back to article Spectrum goes liberal at EU level

While anti-piracy measures may have grabbed the headlines, the EU's Telecoms Package also endorses Ofcom-style spectrum liberalisation across Europe - to a point. The package, which was voted in today, states that radio spectrum should not be allocated by application; licensees should be free to do with it as they will. But it …


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  1. Sludge


    I thought this was a Captain Scarlet story when I saw the headline.

  2. Chris Bradshaw

    Ah administration...

    "less regulation, but more regulators, across Europe"

    I, for one, welcome our new European spectrum talking-shop regulators...

  3. Doc Spock

    Bureaucratic? The EU?

    I think I'll set up a business selling metaphorical red tape and thus be able to retire by Christmas!

  4. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

    A title is missing

    Spectrum is green.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Radio Diversity Round Table in Germany 16.11

    An interesting PR on the KIT website seems to argue for similar changes; I was one of the participants in the Radio Diversity Round Table and it's starting to look like this issue has the attention of at least some academics:

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