Should sell well in New Orleans...
... not to mention Florida and most of the East Coast of the US. What's it like in a tornado?
The IoSafe Solo USB drive is a robust storage device that promises to protect precious data in the event of a fire or flood. It uses patented technology to surround the 3.5in Sata hard disk with both waterproof and fireproof barriers, as well as an innovative cooling mechanism. IoSafe Solo IoSafe's Solo: disc burning and …
I'd be prepared to pay much more than an extra £50 for this to be a mirrored pair, and the wifi would be a nice touch. I will happily pay a premium for those times when data needs to be saved, safely, to be safe.
There are times when you just cannot upload everything to cloud backup storage (filming on location with only GPRS available on phones, for instance), so you want as near-perfect safety as you can get and will happily pay for it, especially in a non-19" rack form-factor.
The ideal product for me will be quite pricey, but fireproof and waterproof, RAID1, as heavily ruggedised as one can do to a spinning lump of metal, and have a manufacturer ready to insure its data integrity upto say £20000 for upto 24hrs - long enough to get an offsite backup!
Seriously, Hitachi Deathstar?
And, as AC@1604 said. You do your backup into it, and woe betide you, the drive inside dies. Because it's a Deathstar, no less!
Bet it will survive fire and floods, but not earthquakes even tiny ones that barely register on the Richter Scale.
And yeah, the other reviewers' point that it lacks RAID 1 and NAS capabilities. At the price it's being sold for, I'd rather have a NAS stored in a fireproof and waterproof safe (padded by sponge around it, so it's shock absorbant as well).
Flame. Because that's what happened to the Death Star in Star Wars.