A New Jersey man has been charged with stealing the p2p.com domain name and selling it to a professional basketball player for more than $111,000 in the first US indictment for domain name theft. In May 2006, Daniel Goncalves, now 25, of Union City, illegally accessed accounts of domain name registrar GoDaddy "for the purpose …
"was worth from $160,000 to $200,000 because of its short length and topical relation to peer-to-peer file sharing."
No it was worth $111,000, because that what it sold for......if it was worth $180,000 that's what it would of sold for.
You can't claim a house is worth £100m if the most someone will give you for it is £100k
>No it was worth $111,000, because that what it sold for......if it was worth $180,000 that's what it would of sold for.
Maybe it sold for less than its real value because the guy was offloading it on eBay in a hurry. If someone steals your TV and flogs it in the pub for £20 is that all it was worth?
@Anonymous Coward. No....it was sold for 111k because the seller/thief was in a hurry and he would have taken any offer. It's like somebody stealing you car and selling it quick for 1000$. Is you car worth only 1000$ or was the thief glaf to get rid of the stolen merchandise? Stolen goods are always cheaper. The thief doesn't take time to get a good offer. How could he?
, now offers something.jira.domain.com