What should of been in the queens speech
What should of been in the queens speech should of been something like:
It will become law that ISP's have to deliever a level of service and penalties will be impossed if they fail to provide there customers what they pay for.
But hey thats only been an issue since day one, but oh poor customers dont have a monopolisticly funded body to pear-pressure goverments and other World leaders.
I also feel for musicians now as they probably feel like some Americans did when Iraq was invaded for WMD's.
Oh a sadder note you know that next year some news paper will highlight file-sharing of music using some ISP that supplies the queen. You cant get the staff thesedays.
All computers on the internet (or any form of external communications) are not secure, be it today, tomorrow or yesterday. Fact. I'd even say music is more secure than most computers on average, scary heh. All internet provides fall short on what they deliver. Fact. I'd even say more ISP's fall short per cusomtomer than music is `stolen` (pre-viewed prior to purchase woulld be more apt on this as well, given facts). But do we want a law so important the Queen of England needs to make an announcment, no apparently :(.
Pretty sad state of affairs and pending fallout I'd say.
Oh another note if i had a CD of some artist and I downloaded that same CD track by track in mp3 format in a way were I downloaded it via P2P but didn't share it, would I be breaking the law and also would alot of ISP knee-jerk protectors falg your as a criminal. Interesting times. I see alot of false-positives and thats not factoring people can legaly have open WIFI and WEP still (WEP being same as open WIFI IMHO).
You can see why ISP's themselfs are not keen to action this, no-matter there reasons it will be a straw that will only start world-war one on the internet on many levels.
So badly thought out I'm going to cry.