Wrong judge...
If they'd their case heard in front of Mr Justice Eady then, given his track record on libel tourism, they would probably have won.
Thankfully they didn't.
A libel action over an article that appeared on the website of a South African magazine has been dismissed by a court in England. Evidence suggested that the article had received only four visits from the UK in a two month period. Describing the claim as being "totally without merit," Mr Justice Tugendhat said the claimants …
You're missing the point. It's all to do with 'libel tourism' which has seen cases of libel being brought against foreigners by foreigners in the British courts, because we have some of the worst libel case law in the world. Effectively the burden of proof lies with the defendant to prove they're innocent which can prove very expensive indeed when up against (the usually) very wealthy plaintiffs.
Get yourself some recent back issues of Private Eye to see what Judge Eady and the law firm Carter Fuck have been up to.
This is a great victory for common sense.
Should be two thumbs up.