back to article NASA preps Mars rover rescue plan

NASA has come up with a plan to extricate their stuck rover Spirit that's been bogged down in a Martian sand trap since April. Space agency brains have been conducting a lengthy series of trials using a test rover and sandbox on Earth to figure out the best way of freeing the hindered droid. "This is going to be a lengthy …


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  1. Neoc

    no titles here - move along

    In a few years or so, Rover's little brother will come ;round a give Rover a few pushes to get it free.

    Yes, Opportunity comes a-knocking.

  2. exit...quit...bye...quitbye.ctrl-C..ctrlX.ctrl-alt-X...aarrrr*slam*

    If it doesn´t work just send someone up and drag it out.

    or they can make it a tourist attraction: "This is the rover spirit, which is -altough functioning- trapped in this sandpit for the past 86 years...'

  3. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge
    Paris Hilton

    Discretion is the greater part of valour ...... Sun Tsu?*

    Is there no reverse gear? A gentle tip toe back to safe and solid ground for a rethink will a)avoid getting "get the rover's center of gravity past a rock that lies underneath Spirit." and b) dragging a broken forward steering wheel along a prepared and compacted path is always a lot easier that driving it into an unknown unknown path in dodgy alien territory. Goodness knows what may be a'lurkin'.

    * :-) ....... Trojan Pieces have Many Hidden Depths

  4. ForthIsNotDead


    Why not just send Opportunity 'round there and give it a tow?

    Shouldn't take long ;-)

  5. lglethal Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    This is what Engineering is all about...

    Its things like this that got me into Engineering in the first place. You have a problem, you come up with a series of solutions and then proceed, usually by trial and error, until you get the right result...

    They need to go back and teach this stuff in schools - maybe then kids would want to get into engineering and science!

    Here's hoping they succeed in freeing Spirit, the rovers are great examples of how good engineering creates fantastic results!

  6. The Stainless Steel Cat

    Oblig. BBT quote...

    "Do you have a plan?"

    "Actually, I was just checking my e-mails."

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    ...I wanna see Opportunity come to Spirit's rescue, pleeeeaaaaassssseeeeeee!

  8. Solomon Grundy

    Sand? Really

    I'm from way down South in the U.S. so maybe my standpoint is different but where I come from when the truck is stuck: fuck it, give it all the gas its got and see what happens.

  9. Annihilator
    Thumb Up

    @ The Stainless Steel Cat

    Well, you could call Triple-A, but according to NASA's latest time table, they won't get there for thirty-five years. Plus I understand that you have to be next to your vehicle with your card when they come.


  10. Peter Clarke 1

    Recomended Viewing

    It may not be in the NASA video library but I think they should check out Ice Cold In Alex to see how to move a vehicle up a slope in soft sand.

    Softly, softly, catchee monkee :)

  11. Anonymous Bastard

    @Peter Clarke 1

    Thank you for the excellent recommendation. I had been thinking of that very film but could not remember it's name. Well done!

    (Go sign for the rover)

  12. Richard 23

    @Solomon Grundy

    Looks like that's what they tried to do originally. Seems the NASA engineers may be from your neck of the woods.

  13. Mister Cheese


    Can you just go give it a kick please?

    My Bigtrak used to get bogged down in carpets - and a gentle push used to help...

  14. Andrew Culpeck

    Gecho's Tail

    The followin may give a qlue as to how a sampling arm could help get the Rcver free.

  15. Rob
    Thumb Up

    @Mister Cheese

    Bigtrak, now theres a small tear of nostalgia rolling down my cheek.

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