Michael Jackson wasn't a robot?! Who'd have thought...
Famous dead pop legend Michael Jackson intended to construct an eerily-lifelike robotic duplicate of himself, according to reports. Detailed three-dimensional scans of the deceased globo-celeb's body were made, and the super-accurate body maps are now said to be on sale for a million dollars. The story was reported yesterday …
'Does anyone else expect a conspiracy theory to start now implying that he's not dead and they buried a robotic duplicate?'
I hadn't, but I think this is the perfect opportunity to start one.
And it's also a good time for him to start appearing in the Reg's unrivalled Playmobil CCTV footage - possibly replacing Optimus Prime during Transformers religious holidays.
High resolution images, you mean like the ones that they use to make statues and wax works?
both of which would be a much more credible use than a robot. I'll believe that the images were intended for a robot when I see plans for a robot. Until then my money is that they were for a plain ordinary model. Or maybe some kind of automated fairground attraction like they have in Disney land. But not an actual robot.
...so TruBones claims to have motion capture footage of Jackson and someone else has a full-body scan made before he fell completely apart...? Does this mean that we'll be seeing him in new music videos and movies?
Tromplography™ has arrived!
(...And a tip of the hat to Howard Chaykin for inventing that word in the '80s to describe the process of replacing an actor with a computer-generated duplicate!)
He watched Tron, but wanted to bypass the ugly, cut-up-by-a-laser stage.
This is all we need, an electronic version of Jacko wandering through our networks playing havoc with (Oow!) our word processing (cha-cha.) and nicking the mouse.
Let's hope that when he enters the arena, that those are light discs he is throwing. Did he ever have a licence to ride a light-bike outside Neverland?
@Neoc, given the state of his finances, whos to say he actually paid for them?