Panda, go panda, go panda!
US Navy Intelligence is soon to deploy radical new computer monitoring software able to sniff out "deviations" among hundreds of thousands of sailors at sea on the world's oceans. Rather than some kind of Orwellian porn-enforcement system for use on the USN's own matelots, however, the so-called Predictive Analysis for Naval …
"* We would offer for consideration: Overwatch Maritime Naval Intelligence System for Collation and Identification of Enemy Nautical Tactics (OMNISCIENT)."
Do you know if they're cruisin' for PRECOGNISCENT, Lewis, to Guarantee OMNISCIENT and remove All Future Doubts for OMNIPOTENCE.
I know one of the individuals working on this project, personally. It's been in the works at a contractor since at least mid-2008 (when we met), and is VERY far along. It's interesting to come here and read about something that's "news", which I knew about in the summer of 2008.
"amanfromMars 1 - Me thinks you are missing the point !!" ... By Mike Hunt 1 Posted Friday 13th November 2009 15:02 GMT
And/or probably possibly just playing dumb and slow, Mike Hunt 1? I would certainly agree with the Base Entry Requirement... "Only the finest minds can make it in."