back to article Brazilian uni readmits miniskirted student

Sao Paulo's Bandeirante University, aka Uniban, has decided to readmit the student expelled for wearing an insufficiently long skirt to campus, a garment which provoked a near riot as a baying mob of fellow students hurled abuse at the 20-year-old "whore". The case of Geisy Arruda provoked nationwide outrage in Brazil, …


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  1. EdwardP

    Quite Right.

    "and may pursue legal action against the seat of learning for her ordeal."

    Take them for every penny they've got, where were the teachers/staff in that video? What were they doing instead of crowd control?

  2. Anonymous Coward

    So I guess ....

    ... that the inevitable backlash was Arruda wakening for them ...

    Coat. Check.

    Door. Check.

    Outta here :-)

  3. David Kelly 2

    Whats all the commotion about?

    Her dress wasn't exactly modest but didn't appear any shorter than a cheerleader's. During football season high school cheerleaders often wear their uniform all day at school on Fridays. In 1973 modest fashionable 8th grade girls wore shorter skirts.

  4. Lloyd

    In the words of Harry Enfield

    What the bloody hell was all that about then?

    She was wearing an ugly mid thigh length skirt? Haizeus, you'd think no one had ever seen a munter before.

  5. Big Al

    Student life

    So presumably they're all so busy studying that they haven't been to the beach or the festivals then?

  6. ElReg!comments!Pierre


    They didn't call her "whore". They called her "puta". Which incidentally can be translated to whore in English. But quotes are usually used to introduce a, erm, quote, not a translation

    That's all folks!

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Meh, I've seen shorter skirts. The fact is, this girl is actually really really hot, and I expect some other not-so-hot and jealous females in the uni couldn't stand their bfs looking at her so they started a ruckus... which grew out of proportion because students are students and love missing boring lectures.

    I feel for her, though she'll know now to dress a bit more modestly. And move to California.

  8. Anonymous Coward

    OMG National outrage, chaos and pillage, IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD

    "provoked nationwide outrage in Brazil, with both media and politicians queuing up to demand Uniban explain its actions"

    There you are -- traditional useless media frenzy (lots and lots of "media" articles about what other media outlets thought about this issue) and politicians who want to draw attention from lots of scandals they're involved in and a girl who will make lots of money from all this attention.

    Failed to see the "nationwide outrage". From what I see most brazilians are only impressed with the media obsession. Meanwhile there is a presidential election in 2010...

  9. Wombat

    We'll see ...

    "Whether she does remains to be seen."

    Obviously the miniskirt left other remains to be seen, too.

  10. SirTainleyBarking

    If they are serious about this

    How about throwing out the ringleaders in this sorry show of mobbing.

    Will it happen?

    Probably not as they are paying students too, and money is obviously more important than reputation

  11. Anonymous Coward

    welcome to the brazilian taliban

    Cover from head to toe. Double bag her if need be. That's the ticket, luzers.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Isn't this the same country that brought the world the Brazilian wax and the Brazilian bikini?? I find it completely shocking that they would expel a girl from the university, or that the students would insult her in the hallways instead of trying to get her number!! There's definitely something else going on here...

  13. Anonymous Coward
    IT Angle


    1) IT?

    2) It's not even a extreme miniskirt, I see such almost every day on the street. However I see the girl is not that dumb, she just made a living for herself :)

  14. Charles Manning

    Any shorter...

    and it would have been a sweat band.

  15. Winkypop Silver badge

    Sue em

    Sue all those religo-o-tards for all the shekels they have...


  16. Bad Beaver
    Thumb Up

    ah well

    "disinclined to change her way of life or her wardrobe"

  17. SynnerCal

    What's the fuss about?

    Okay the footage isn't exactly the best, but I've seen shorter skirts being worn in Newcastle town (sorry "toon") centre at the weekend and no-one seemed to mind. When did Brazil become the prude capital of the world, or was this just religious education students causing a fuss?

    Maybe the lass concerned should run for political office - after all the publicity maybe a 'women's rights' platform would be best.

    I await the Playmobile recreation with interest...

  18. Simon B
    Thumb Up

    Glad to hear :)

    Justice for Geisy Arruda :-) Go sue the lot of them I say. Pathetic how such a fuss is made over a stunning pair of legs, you go get 'em gal!

  19. Lionel Baden
    Black Helicopters

    if that was england

    I would be checking to see what law they passed whilst we were moderatley distracted !!

    they better double check the campus rules.

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