Looks like an elephant sat on a Smart Car.
Following its official unveiling at the Frankfurt Motor Show, Peugeot's visually arresting BB1 e-car has been sent on a European Grand Tour to drum up interest and give the masses a chance to kick the tyres. The tour kicked off at Berlin's Potsdamer Platz at the weekend and the following stop is London where the car will be on …
...actually, I think it's pretty snappy. Hell, I think the Smart's not too bad-looking, either, as far as that goes.
Either one's light-years sharper-looking than your average 1970s American e-car concepts, which look as if they were designed to deliberately sabotage e-car sales.
Of course, if y'all _really_ want to talk fugly, let's talk about the 1952 Nash Metropolitan which, imho, pretty much set the standard for absolutely butt-ugly two-seat urban runabouts:
"Bet that's fun when trying to check your blind spots."
If you'll look closely you'll notice that the chose a female for the front left seat... (surely its a LHD, French car on show in Frankfurt & Berlin.)
They really should have chosen to show it of a couple of days earlier... looks light enough to chuck on a bonfire. Actually I think these will be fun on the roads.. for everyone else at least... in a, hahah look at this tit, sort of way. looking at the half opening windows I think there could be some highly amusing cctv footage coming from McD's Drive thru in the near future...
I like it. Technical info a bit lacking, and guaranteed it'll be slow (obviously aerodynamics has been deemed irrelevant), and the range will be exactly 2 miles short of my round trip, and those A pillars will be the curse of cyclists/bikers across the land, and it'll be massively overpriced, but....I still like it.
I want a steering wheel and pedals though. Oh yes.
A quick trawl through the comments to the original Reg article on the BB1 will find you the following link:
... where you'll find a picture showing how the rear passengers' legs straddle the front seats.
Looking at that photo[shop] I'm wondering how the two in the back can sit there. I think they're either hogtied or don't have any legs so it's the perfect runaround for environmentally conscious bondage fans or amputees. I wonder what they'll call it when and if it arrives on our shores.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the Peugeot Little Britain
Dude. You haven't _seen_ ugly. You're obviously slightly younger than I.
To my previous comment re: '52 Nash Metro, I'll add only one word: "Isetta"
When I was a young service kid, while our family was stationed in Germany in the early '60s -- and again in the late '60s -- I saw nothing on the road as nasty-looking as the Isetta, even beating out said '52 Nash -- along with those dorky little rear-engined Renault sedans -- for sheer concentrated ugliness. Also, while I'm sure the Isetta was intended as an urban runabout, I saw them regularly on the Autobahns doing upwards of 70+mph, and remember thinking that the people driving them out there were absolutely batshit.