Straightforward correlation
People in Norfolk who are smart enough to use Google don't care about her affair.
Good news for Microsoft's Bing today - Google does not have the whole search market sewn up and nor is it easy to use. At least one English county is apparently unable to fathom its mysteries. Somewhere in Norfolk an extremely dull argument is raging over Liz Truss - a potential Tory candidate for a safe seat - and whether she …
... as The Kipper Family used to sing.
That seems to describe the Conservative member's internet ability, rather than that of the county as a whole. It shows a huge level of egotistical ignorance to extrapolate the abilities of an entire segment of the population from your own personal shortcomings. As to whether her affair was well known or notified? who cares. It's long been an assertion in political circles that it's better for an MP to be screwing someone else, rather than the country as a whole.
Behind this is a row over central office pressuring the local association to accept Truss after they've changed their mind (presumably on the grounds that a) she had an affair and b) she didn't mention it to them - both of which they object to)
Now you'd have though the Daily Mail would be anti-affair (they reported it a few years ago) and pro local independence of thought against central control being a generally right of centre newspaper.
But perhaps they are more pro-Cameron and responding according to another agenda.
> It shows a huge level of egotistical ignorance to extrapolate the abilities of an entire segment of the population from your own personal shortcomings.
Pot-Kettle alert! The entire tech biz ships endless tech products that *they* think are usable (cos those in the tech biz understand how to use them) while the rest of the population sit there screaming in frustration as their latest tech product proves non-understandable.
..."a huge level of egotistical ignorance" - you're damn right! (Your whole industry, mate.)
Obviously those doctors have never been to Norfolk. I wonder what it is about "class" or whatever it is that causes (mainly southern) people to assume that some kind of accent implies that the speaker is mentally deficient? And let's face it people that "talk Narfuk" have a real humdinger. But, trust me on this: they hent thick! Especially where money is involved.
Before the general tabloidism of journalism, before the widespread plague that is modern television, when it was about the politics. Then she may have campaigned on party issues, rallied local support for local issues, championed her favourite cause. Today it's who she had an affair with, tomorrow it's what clothes she is wearing or whether she is a member of a fishing / hunting club.
Still.. it's one way to get back to the Good Old Days when men ran the country and affairs were things you had with your secretary. Who would never be running for office. Not in those heels and short skirt.
As someone who actually lives right on the Norfolk border, and who's mother has direct experience of NFN comments by doctors (as a nurse, not as a patient!), I can confirm that NFN is/was used in doctors notes.
Norfolk just has its share of strange people. I for one prefer to live here than in London. Now that place is FULL of psychopathic nutters.
Well, duh. The quote in MailOnline is:
'They make out we're stupid, saying details of her affair were on Google, but no one in Norfolk knows how to use Google.'
Which is presumably:
'They make out we're stupid, saying "details of her affair were on Google, but no one in Norfolk knows how to use Google".'
End of story. Curious that Liz and Lynne Truss share the same surname.
Posted from Norfolk, with the occasional aid of Google. And, BTW, GPs around here aren't allowed to write NFN on anyone's notes any more. I know; I'm only here because my wife's a GP.
South-west Norfolk has to be one of the most depressing dumps on the planet. A university-educated cosmopolitan shagger might do Swaffham a bit of good.
I think you've nailed it Displacement Activity - hadn't seen it that way before but the comment makes perfect sense now.
To be fair, Norfolk is no different to anywhere else - not everyone can be Einstein, but judging by this Norfolk has had it's fair share of geniuses over the years...