DVB-2 switchs On Dec 2009 and STILL NO DVB-T2 STBs in the shop
"The region, which stretches North of Lancaster down to into Cheshire, taking in Manchester and Liverpool on the way, is served by the Winter Hill transmitter."
Great, and the One thing that really matters Yet again, 4 WEEKS from NOW, the new DVB-T2 digital Freeview terestial HD Transmissions begin on the very same Transmitters will be officiallly turn ON.
your usual DVB-T SD kt sat under your tele is and will NOT be able to play any of these new DVB-T2 transmissions as they were not made to the newer standard.
thats just 29 days untill the 2nd of december, 2009 DVB-T2 BBC broadcasts begin
from the NW Winter Hill transmitter and yet there are still NO capable STBs for terrestial HD DVB broadcast ready and waiting in the shops or even the wholesalers.
hell, it appears theres not even any UK ready DVB-2 kit sat in containers ready for shopping from the far east were most of the bulk of the device will eventually made an theres are NO Manufactuing shops within the UK that a are even capable of making a first batch of any such DVB-T2 STB or USB2 .
how can the UK regulators and the BBC that made/commissioned the OEM DVB-T2 STBS and USB's all these other OEMs will be based on get it so wrong yet again.
if you cant actually buy the newer HD DVB-T2 capable kit down your local ASDA ON or Before the day, you Cant tune in and watch this new NW Winter Hill transmitter DBV-T2 on Dec2nd 2009.
who gets the blame this massive broadcasting DVB-T2 reception cockup this time, and why dont the papers care to tell the UK people in the massive North Westarea's theres a very BIG UK broadcast problem happening in 4 weeks al the way until someone actually ships and sells the kit you Need.
No HD DVB-T2 STB receiver kit, means no HD broadcasts for you then at christmas and so, NO real incentive to buy that brand new HD TV and related kit for the DVB masses this Chrismas season.
i guess its going to be rather bleak this year for cristmas sales and all because someone in the Govt,the BBC and 3rd party Vendors cant even think to time HD digital DVB-T2 availability far better