@Azrael: "For me the question really should be what "reasonable" grounds are"
For a start you are not dealing with reasonable people. They don't care about you and they will exploit you in any way they can for their own gain. I'm not just saying that. Its shocking and hard to believe I know, but that's really how bad they think. You are dealing with Narcissism. They really don't have empathy for anyone but themselves. They don't care about other people. To them, you are meaningless. You are a pawn to them that they will lie to, so they can use you for their own gain and if you believe their lies they win.
When you talk to these kinds of people, they will often behave like your best friend, and say so many things that sound ever so reasonable, but behind their act, they have utter contempt for you.
The whole concept of Phorm is Narcissistic. Phorm don't have any right at all to spy and exploit us all for their own gain. They wouldn't like us to spy on them for our gain. But the problem with Phorm is they know political control freaks would love to get access to Phorm data (and Phorm technology) to spy on us all.
Technology is becoming a way to game political power to wipe out a lot of the freedoms that democracy was created for, to prevent such extreme abuses of political power in the past. They are gaming the political system. For example, NuLabour have repeatedly shown they don't even care about the law. They simply re-write the law into whatever suits them. So how do you define reasonable when later on they can simply redefine what they consider reasonable to spy on. Businesses and governments work together. Money and power working work together but then even money is all about power over people who need money.
These are people you cannot trust at all. As the old saying goes, "Give them an inch and they'll take a mile". They don't care about us. They are Narcissistic as in Narcissistic Personality Disorder. They are arrogant self centered lying greedy control freaks, only interested in themselves with utter contempt for everyone else.
So any promise of opt in and opt out is meaningless. Phorm and the government cannot be trusted *at all*. We don't have this technology at all, because if it exists in any form, it will suffer feature creep into a way for the control freaks to use it to spy ever more on all of us, for the personal gain of the control freaks. If they have it at all, it takes us a major step towards becoming a Totalitarian state. A Narcissists dream world is a Totalitarian state with them in an unquestionable position of extreme power. Their Utopia is everyone else's Dystopia. Its why they have to be opposed before their contempt for all of us gets so bad it makes life intolerable for most people. All these control freaks are trying to exploit technology ever more to destroying all our privacy, freedom, liberty and even democracy, always ultimately for their own gain.
But if you are so idealistic you still believe they can be "reasonable", you will fail to understand a great deal of what I have just said and so you will fail to see the great danger the Narcissists are becoming to all of us. If you think this is getting bad, you haven't even begun to see just how dangerous this nightmare is becoming. For example, here's a glimpse of where we are going...